
Welcome to Predosa!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Predosa, a small town in Piedmont in the province of Alessandria. Predosa is a place rich in history and tradition, nestled between the cities of Ovada, Alessandria, and Novi Ligure. With a population of approximately 1,992 inhabitants, it is considered one of the main towns in the Alessandria region, a geographical region of Lower Piedmont that takes its name from the capital city, Alessandria.

The History of Predosa

The area where Predosa now stands was originally part of the Gamondio district, in the territory of the city of Alessandria. In the 15th century, Predosa followed the fate of the city and was occupied by Filippo Spinola and Luigi de Montagna Castro Pallavicini on behalf of Guglielmo di Monferrato. It became a Monferrato outpost for incursions into the territory of the Duchy of Milan with the aim of damaging trade between Alessandria and the Lombard capital.

The Predosa castle withstood a siege by Corrado da Fogliano with the collaboration of the Genoese of Doge Pietro Campofregoso. The failed conquering of the village caused the support of the Genoese to collapse, leading to the deterioration of relations between the Republic of Genoa and the Duchy of Milan. Meanwhile, Spinola, enticed by deception at the Duke's court, disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

In 1454, with the peace of Venice, Predosa returned to the Duchy of Milan. In 1470, it was enfeoffed to the Beccaria family, who kept it until 1591. Upon the death of Aureliano Beccaria, it became the object of a legal dispute between Milan, Beccaria's daughter, and the venerable Congregation of San Paolo Decollato di Pavia, named universal heir to the detriment of the daughter. It was purchased with a regular contract by the Marquis Ludovico Guasco di Solero on September 18th, 1619. In 1707, it passed to the House of Savoy and from then on followed the fate of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Only in 1929, did it acquire the hilly territories of Castelferro and Mantovana, and as compensation the flatlands of Retorto from the municipality of Alessandria.

Predosa: History and Tradition among the Hills


Castelferro is a historic village of Predosa that has a long history! From the historical information found, we know that the village existed as far back as the 900s, with the name "Castrum Ferri," and was part of the territory of Gamondio, which is now Castellazzo Bormida. In 1168, it participated, together with other municipalities of the Lombard League, in the construction of Alessandria, for defense against Frederick Barbarossa, and became part of the territory of this city, despite having a territorial discontinuity.

In 1576, the church of S. Maria Vergine was built under precarious conditions. In 1629, the population was reduced to just over 400 inhabitants due to a plague epidemic, half of those present in the territory. The land was subsequently cultivated with vines and maize. In 1682, the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity was established, and in 1683, Castelferro was enfeoffed to Count Luca Pertusati.

In 1799, the population participated in the peasant uprisings against the French, while in 1879, the "Società di Mutuo Soccorso" was established. Moreover, in the same year, the nursery school was built in Castelferro. In 1802, the construction of the current bell tower was completed, and in 1879, the "Monte della Farina" was established to combat usury.


In conclusion, Predosa is a charming place full of history. With its cultural and traditional attractions, it is not surprising that it is considered one of the main towns in the Alessandria region. Castelferro, in particular, is a historic village with very ancient roots and is surrounded by beautiful hills. If you are looking for a peaceful place to relax and enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view, do not hesitate to visit Predosa!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022