
Welcome to Predore: A Journey Through the History and Culture of a Small Bergamo Municipality

Predore, a small municipality in the province of Bergamo with a population of 1864 inhabitants, is located on the western shore of Lake Iseo, about 31 kilometers east of Bergamo. Although its origins are uncertain, archaeological finds suggest a Roman presence and the German city of Bremen identifies it as an ancient fishing center.

Origins of the Name

The name Predore has Latin origins and according to various theories, it derives from the word "preda" which means hunting booty or from the term "praedium" which refers to the Roman consul Nonius Arius Mucianus, who settled here in the III century. In the local dialect, "preda" means stone, suggesting that the name of the municipality could also be linked to the characteristic wall of Mount Corno.

Predore: History and Culture of a Municipality in Bergamo.


Archaeological finds in Predore confirm a Roman presence in the area, including remains of a Roman road and internal paving residues dating back to the III century. Also, during the excavations for the erection of the new town hall, the base of bathing pools was discovered, suggesting that the Romans came to holiday on the beaches of Predore.

During the Middle Ages, Predore was an important fortress defended by a wall and located near the lake. There wasn't much military activity in the area, except for disputes between Guelphs and Ghibellines. In this context, Predore was predominantly a Guelph municipality, led by the Foresti family, which also had Ghibelline members. The half tower, symbol of the municipality, is legendary, being a symbol of the disputes between the two factions.

Predore contributed militarily during the First and Second World Wars, remembered today with the Rimembranze park near San Rocco. The city also made an important archaeological discovery, with Neolithic period finds found in the "Bus del Coren" cave. These finds represent the only evidence of cave settlements from this period throughout the Bergamo area.


The coat of arms and flag of Predore were granted by presidential decree on October 16, 1954. The coat of arms depicts a half white tower with Ghibelline battlements, with a red Greek cross on a blue background behind the bull.


Predore, a small Bergamo municipality, is not only a welcoming and picturesque place to spend vacations, but also a center with a long and interesting history. A well-preserved cultural and archaeological heritage that testifies to the importance of this city over the centuries. If you decide to visit this corner of the province of Bergamo, you will immediately notice that the beauty of Lake Iseo blends perfectly with the history and culture of this charming place.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, May 19, 2022