
Welcome to Precenicco!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking to you about Precenicco, a small Italian municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. With a population of only 1434 inhabitants, it is located along the last stretch of the Stella River and can be reached via the Trieste highway and the Trieste-Venice highway from Pertegada. But let's find out more about this town!

Precenicco: history, language and administration of a Friulian municipality.


Demographic evolution

Let's start with some interesting facts. Are you curious to know how many inhabitants lived in the Municipality of Precenicco before? In 1861, the population was 1,451 inhabitants, almost the same as today! In 1901, there was a slight increase, with about 1,500 inhabitants, but in the '50s/'60s, the demographic evolution saw a sharp decline caused by the large emigration to the industrial centers of the North. Fortunately, today the population is growing again, and with it, Precenicco is regenerating its own identity.

Languages and dialects

Having said that, if you want to visit Precenicco, you should definitely know the languages spoken in this municipality. Besides Italian, the population also uses the Friulian language. Interested in the linguistic evolution of this town? According to Resolution no. 2680 of August 3, 2001, of the Council of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, the Municipality is included in the Italian municipalities of Friulian language for the purposes of the application of law 482/99, regional law 15/96, and regional law 29/2007. The Friulian language spoken in Precenicco belongs to the central-eastern Friulian variants.


Let's talk about administration. The Municipality of Precenicco is governed by Mayor Stefano Furlanis, in office since 2019. And that's not all: the municipality is part of the Healthy Cities Network, a program of the World Health Organization for the development of sustainable urban policies for the well-being of citizens.

Related voices

And finally, if you want to learn more, there is much to discover in Precenicco. Among the related voices, there must be the Church of San Martino Vescovo, which, among other things, preserves a masterpiece by a Friulian artist from the 15th century, Giusto de 'Menabuoi.

Other projects

If you want to continue to deepen your knowledge, you can visit the website of the Municipality of Precenicco to discover all the projects and initiatives that the town offers to its citizens and tourists.

External links

And lastly, if you want to learn more, I invite you to visit the website of the Municipality of Precenicco, where you can find all the useful information to organize your visit to this small Friulian municipality. If you love nature, tranquility, and history, don't miss the opportunity to visit Precenicco, a place to discover and experience!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Oct 17, 2022