Pratovecchio Stia

Welcome to Pratovecchio Stia, a Tuscan town with approximately 5,500 inhabitants

Located in the province of Arezzo, Pratovecchio Stia was formed by the merger of the towns of Pratovecchio and Stia in January 2014. This decision was made after a popular referendum which had strong support from both communities. Today, Pratovecchio Stia is a town in a privileged geographical location, surrounded by nature and rich in history and culture.

The history of Stia

The town of Stia has a long history dating back to the Etruscan era, as evidenced by numerous archaeological remains. The town has been under various dominations, including that of the Romans who left important monuments such as the Villa of Poggio Reale. In the Middle Ages, Stia was under the domination of the Guidi, a powerful Tuscan family, and in the 15th century it was conquered by Florentine troops. Over the centuries, Stia grew and developed into an important commercial center.

Pratovecchio Stia: A Tuscan Municipality Between History and Nature.

The symbols of the town

The emblem and flag of the town of Pratovecchio Stia were granted by the President of the Republic in 2015. The flag is a banner divided into white and red, while the emblem consists of a shield with a white cross on a red background, surmounted by a turreted crown and surrounded by a branch of oak and laurel.

Demographic evolution

In recent years, the population of Pratovecchio Stia has remained relatively stable, with around 5,500 inhabitants. However, the town has seen a slight decrease in the elderly population and an increase in young people, primarily due to the presence of new commercial and service activities.


The town of Pratovecchio Stia is run by a mayor and a town council elected every 5 years. The current mayor, elected in 2019, is Fabrizio Filippi. The town has a strong tradition of civic participation and regularly organizes events and initiatives to involve the community.


There are no particular notes to report regarding the town of Pratovecchio Stia.

Other projects

The town of Pratovecchio Stia has activated several projects to develop the local economy and promote sustainable tourism. These include the "Pratovecchio Stia Bike" project which involves the creation of bike paths, and the "Mountain Festival" which celebrates the culture and traditions of the area.

External links

For more information on the town of Pratovecchio Stia, you can visit the official website of the town or follow the official Facebook page. In addition, many tourist sites offer information and tips for visiting the town and its surroundings.

Federico Conte
Updated Sunday, Dec 25, 2022