
Discovering Pradamano: Monuments and Places of Interest

Pradamano is an Italian municipality located in the province of Udine, in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Its name comes from Latin and means "nearby farm".

Among the monuments and places of interest in Pradamano, there are several historical buildings, including the church of Santa Cecilia, built between 1779 and 1784 by Luca Andrioli. This church features an elegant baroque façade, with a barrel vault and frescoes in the lunettes.

Another building of great interest is Villa Giacomelli, a neoclassical work dating back to 1852 and designed by Andrea Scala. The villa boasts a well-manicured park, with centuries-old trees and a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside.

Other historical villas in the municipality include Villa Ottelio, built in 1785 as a summer residence, Villa Caimo-Dragoni, Villa Giudici, and Villa Piani, all located in the hamlet of Lovaria. In the latter, we also find the church of San Giovanni Battista, with its sail-shaped bell tower and a beautiful Renaissance-style portico.

Society in Pradamano

Discover Pradamano: history, nature and culture.

Demographic Evolution

Pradamano has a population of 3528 inhabitants. The demographic evolution of the municipality has been rather stable in recent decades.

Languages and dialects

The official language of Pradamano is Italian, but alongside it, Friulian is also used. According to Resolution No. 2680 of August 3, 2001, by the Board of the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the municipality is included in the list of Italian-speaking municipalities of Friulian language for the application of Law 482/99, Regional Law 15/96, and Regional Law 29/2007.

The variant of Friulian spoken in Pradamano belongs to the central-eastern branch.

Administration in Pradamano

Pradamano is an autonomous municipality with its own Mayor and Municipal Administration that follows the system of the Italian Republic.


Pradamano has no twinning with other municipalities.


Pradamano is a municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia that has a lot to offer in terms of history and nature. Its historical villas, churches, and landscapes are certainly worth a visit. Moreover, the presence of Friulian language testifies to the strong cultural identity of this community.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Oct 7, 2022