Pozzuolo del Friuli

Welcome to Pozzuolo del Friuli: where the flatland meets the hills

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover one of the most interesting municipalities in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region? Today I will talk about Pozzuolo del Friuli, a charming place located south of Udine, bordering municipalities such as Basiliano, Campoformido, Udine, Pavia di Udine, Mortegliano, and Lestizza. Pozzuolo del Friuli has a population of about 6,920 inhabitants and includes the fractions of Cargnacco, Carpeneto, Sammardenchia, Terenzano, and Zugliano.

Physical geography

From a geographical point of view, Pozzuolo del Friuli is located in the upper Friulian plain and has an altitude between 25 and 35 meters above sea level. The morphology of the territory is characterized by hills that rise to a height ranging from a few meters to ten meters above the surrounding plain. These reliefs are due to tectonic activity and form a rise that runs from southeast to northwest from Pozzuolo to Carpeneto. In the remaining part of the municipal territory, the geology appears gentler, in line with the surrounding plain. At the northwestern borders of the municipality, there is an ancient bed of the Cormor torrent and the hill of Breda.

Regarding geology, it is believed that at the end of the Miocene period, the central-northern part of the municipal territory emerged as a result of marine sedimentation, with a possible coastline at the southern limits of the municipality. Subsequently, the emerged area was subject to differentiated erosion, with sediments that deposited on non-flat surfaces. In the middle and upper Pleistocene, the municipal territory was filled with fluvio-glacial sediments coming from the mountains to the north and northwest of Pozzuolo and from the hills of Carpeneto. Finally, in the Holocene epoch, a generalized alluviation of the whole area occurred, as in the remaining Friulian plain, with continuous marine regression up to the current coastline.

Pozzuolo del Friuli: history, culture and tourism in an enchanting municipality.


The Cormor torrent is the main watercourse that crosses the municipal territory from north to south. It has its sources inside the Morenic Amphitheater of the Tagliamento River, and after a journey of about 30 km, it reaches the resurgence area near Castions di Strada and loses itself in the swamps of Pocenia. However, the watercourse is temporary, and the water flows copiously only in rainy periods. Along its course, the torrent is flanked by modest terraces that rise up to the north of the Pozzuolo settlement. Moreover, on the left orographic side, some high cliffs around 5 meters above its bed can be observed.

Pozzuolo del Friuli: history and culture


But Pozzuolo del Friuli is not only a municipality with an interesting morphology and a significant water resource: it is also a place rich in history and culture! The first traces of human presence in Pozzuolo del Friuli date back to the Paleolithic period, as demonstrated by the artefacts found near the church of San Leonardo. Subsequently, the area was inhabited by the Veneti, then by the Gauls Cenomani, and finally passed under the dominion of the Romans.

During the medieval period, Pozzuolo del Friuli was situated on the road that led from Aquileia to Central Europe and became an important transit and trading center. In the twelfth century, it passed under the dominion of the Republic of Venice and remained part of it until the fall of the Serenissima. Over the centuries, Pozzuolo del Friuli suffered the damages of wars between the Kingdom of Italy and Austria but managed to maintain its historical and artistic heritage intact.


Today, Pozzuolo del Friuli offers many cultural opportunities to residents and visitors. The municipality is equipped with a municipal library, a music school, a community choir, a music band, and a lifelong learning center. Moreover, the municipal territory hosts numerous churches and oratories, such as the church of San Leonardo, the parish church of San Giovanni Battista, the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the oratory of Christ the Resurrected, and the chapel of San Rocco in Terenzano.

Pozzuolo del Friuli: activities and tourism


Pozzuolo del Friuli offers visitors many outdoor activities, such as walks in the greenery, cycling tours, and trekking. Moreover, the municipal territory is famous for its production of high-quality wines, such as Friuli Grave and Friuli Colli Orientali. Many wineries and wine companies offer guided tours of their vineyards and wine production processes.


If you are looking for a quiet tourist destination immersed in nature, Pozzuolo del Friuli is the right place for you! The municipality offers many accommodation options, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, and farmhouses located in panoramic positions. Moreover, the proximity of Pozzuolo del Friuli to other tourist locations in the region, such as Udine, Trieste, and the Adriatic coast, makes it an excellent base for exploring all of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.


Here is Pozzuolo del Friuli, a municipality with an important historical and cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty. Between morphology, geology, hydrography, activities, and tourism, Pozzuolo del Friuli offers many opportunities to enjoy the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region to the fullest. What are you waiting for to visit it? We are waiting for you with open arms!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022