Pozzaglia Sabina

Welcome to Pozzaglia Sabina: a brief tour of the city

Pozzaglia Sabina is a city located in the province of Rieti, in the heart of Lazio region, with a population of about 300 people. This city, with a rich historical and cultural heritage, offers incredible places of interest. In this article, I will take you on a brief tour of the city, presenting you the main attractions.

Physical geography

Pozzaglia Sabina extends over an area of about 15 km². Its location enjoys a mild and pleasant climate, which makes it perfect for a relaxing vacation.

Pozzaglia Sabina: history, nature and sacred architecture.


Pozzaglia Sabina is located in a hilly area of Lazio. The territory is characterized by the presence of a large oak forest, which hosts an unspoiled flora and fauna. The landscape offers enchanting views, between hills and valleys.


The city enjoys a warm and humid climate. In summer, the maximum temperatures are around 30°C, while in winter, the temperatures remain around 10°C. Precipitation mostly concentrates during the autumn and spring months.


The history of Pozzaglia Sabina dates back to the medieval era. According to tradition, the city's name would derive from Pozzo Gallo, but historical chronicles claim it to be from "Puzalia". In the past, the city was owned by the Farfense Abbey, which dominated its territories in the 9th century. Later on, Pozzaglia Sabina passed into the hands of the Colonna, a noble Roman family.

During the Middle Ages, the city witnessed some relevant events, such as its destruction by the Romans in 1360. In the 15th century, Pozzaglia Sabina became a fiefdom of the Orsini. Subsequently, the city passed to the Borghese, who were their lords until the abolition of feudalism.

Since the 18th century, Pozzaglia Sabina has been administered by the Focolari family, one of the most important families in the city. Over the years, the Focolari have held important administrative positions in the city, until today.

Monuments and places of interest

Pozzaglia Sabina offers numerous attractions for tourists, including important monuments and places of historical interest.

Religious architectures

The city is known for the presence of important religious architectures, including the church of San Nicola di Bari. Inside the church, it preserves the remains of Saint Ulpia Candidia Martyr and a fresco representing the Crucifixion made in the 16th century. Another important religious building is the Abbey of Santa Maria del Piano or Santa Maria di Pozzaglia, erected by Charlemagne on the occasion of having defeated the Saracens in the area.

Furthermore, the city hosts the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire or Santo Stefano di Pietraforte, historically attested in 1252. The current appearance is from the seventeenth century, due to the interventions in the seventeenth century of the Santacroce, who were the feudal lords of the town in this period.

The interior of the church has a single nave, with a coffered ceiling. The three altars are surrounded by fake columns and topped by a Baroque entablature. The main altar has a picture by Pietro da Cortona school (by Raffaello Vanni da Siena) depicting Flavia Giulia Helena uncovering the true cross. Near the two side altars, there are a Madonna of the Rosary with Saints and a Martyrdom of Saint Stephen.


In conclusion, Pozzaglia Sabina is a city rich in history and culture, with important monuments and places of interest. This small hilltop town is perfect for a relaxing vacation, immersed in nature and the tradition of Lazio. Come to visit us, you will be welcome!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Sunday, Jul 10, 2022