
Reggio Emilia: Between History, Culture, and Culinary Delights

Reggio Emilia, with its 169,640 inhabitants, is situated in the heart of the historical Emilia region, in the Po Valley, and is the capital city of the eponymous province. Its history dates back to the Roman Empire, as Reggio was located along the Via Emilia, the road that linked Piacenza and Rimini, thanks to the efforts of consul Marco Emilio Lepido.

Home of the Tricolour

Reggio Emilia is famous for being the Home of the Tricolour: The Italian flag, inspired by the flags of the Cispadane Republic, was born here on January 7, 1797. The Tricolour was first raised in the Tricolour Room of the Municipal Hall, which still hosts City Council meetings today.

Reggio Emilia: history, culture and gastronomy.

Culture and Cuisine

Reggio Emilia is also known for its culture: the Reggio Emilia Approach, an educational method, was developed here. Plus, the city is renowned for producing Parmigiano Reggiano, along with nearby cities Parma and Modena.

But that's not all: Reggio Emilia's cuisine is a real treasure to discover. There are many typical dishes, with some known nationally and internationally, such as cotechino with lentils, fried dough, stuffed fresh pasta, culatelli, cured meats, and cheeses.

Physical Geography

Reggio Emilia is located on the Po Valley, crossed by the Crostolo stream and surrounded by many other minor watercourses. The territory is entirely flat, and the first foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines are located about ten kilometers to the south, in the municipalities of Quattro Castella, Albinea, Scandiano, and Casalgrande.

The municipality of Reggio Emilia borders to the north with the municipalities of Campegine, Cadelbosco di Sopra, and Bagnolo in Piano, to the east with Correggio, San Martino in Rio, and Rubiera, to the south with Casalgrande, Scandiano, Albinea, and Quattro Castella, and to the west with Bibbiano, Cavriago, Montecchio Emilia, and Sant'Ilario d'Enza.


Reggio Emilia has a temperate continental climate, with hot and humid summers and cold winters often characterized by frost. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year but largely concentrated in the fall and spring, while July and January are the driest months.

Speaking of winter, the city can enjoy snow, which falls frequently and can accumulate over 40 cm or more. On average, the city receives about 30 cm of snow accumulation per year.

A City Rich in History

Reggio Emilia has a crucial historical past, which played a significant role during WWII: the city was one of the main protagonists of the Italian Resistance, earning the Gold Medal for Military Valor.

Moreover, Reggio Emilia boasts an artistic and cultural heritage of great importance, with churches, historical buildings, and museums to visit.


Reggio Emilia is a city with a lot to offer, between history, culture, cuisine, and natural beauty. Suitable for visitors of all ages, Reggio Emilia is an ideal destination for those who want to discover the treasures of Emilia-Romagna.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Sunday, Sep 11, 2022