
Welcome to Povegliano: a municipality in Veneto

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Povegliano, a Venetian township with 5086 inhabitants in the province of Treviso. Are you ready to discover all the curiosities about this place?

Physical geography

Located north of Treviso, the territory of Povegliano is composed of three fractions: the capital, Camalò and Santandrà. Among the main watercourses are the Giavera stream and the Pederobba Brentella. Looking east from the bell tower, you can enjoy a splendid panorama.

Povegliano: history, attractions and traditions of Veneto.

From origins to Roman times

The history of Povegliano is linked to the civilizations settled near the Montello and the surrounding hills. In the 2nd century BC, the territory became part of the Treviso municipium and several communication routes were developed, including the Postumia and the Claudia Augusta Altinate. Numerous archaeological remains have been found, such as the burials and villas of landowners.

The Middle Ages

According to a legend, Povegliano was born around the 6th-7th century due to the floods of the Piave River. However, it is believed that the first settlement may have been in Pojarin, near Visnadello. In 994, Povegliano and Santandrà were mentioned in a diploma by Otto III, while Camalò was a dependence of the Santa Maria del Piave monastery. From a political point of view, the three centers have always been subject to the municipality of Treviso and have constituted a rural commune.

Modern and contemporary times

After the dominations of the Ezzelini, Caminesi, Counts of Gorizia, Scaligeri, and the Serenissima, Povegliano returned to the Republic of Venice in 1389. Over the centuries, the municipality has undergone various events and suffered the damages of the Second World War. However, in recent decades, there has been a renewal and economic and tourist development of the territory.

What to see in Povegliano

Povegliano offers numerous attractions for visitors. You can admire the beautiful church of San Giovanni Battista, frescoed by Giovanni Battista Canal. Do not miss the church of Sant'Antonio Abate and the historical museum of the territory. Moreover, Povegliano is ideal for nature and rural landscape lovers, with its lush countryside and panoramic walks.

Events and traditions

The municipality of Povegliano is very active from a cultural point of view and organizes numerous events throughout the year. Among the most important events are the fish festival in Santandrà, the patronal feast of San Giovanni Battista, and the spring fair. Furthermore, the municipality is famous for producing prestigious wines such as Prosecco.


Here's our tour of Povegliano, a Venetian municipality rich in history and natural beauty. If you haven't had the chance to visit it yet, what are you waiting for? Come and discover all the wonders of this fascinating place!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022