
Discovering the Municipality of Posta

Did you know that the Municipality of Posta is located in Lazio, specifically in the province of Rieti, and was part of the Abruzzo region for over 600 years? Let's discover the history and geography of this beautiful mountain location together.

Physical Geography

If you love the mountains and nature, Posta is the perfect place for you. It is located at the northern end of Gole del Velino, along the course of the Velino River and Via Salaria, which connects Antrodoco to Amatrice. The territory of Posta is part of the Terminillo massif and hosts numerous mountain peaks, the highest of which are Monte I Porcini at almost 2,000 meters and Monte il Brecciaro at 1,949 meters. Among the mountain valleys of Posta, we also find Valle Scura, a beautiful and almost pristine valley.

Posta, a mountain territory between history and nature.


If you are passionate about history, the Municipality of Posta offers numerous pieces of evidence from the Roman era. Here, in fact, the Salaria developed, a road built by the Romans to connect the two seas, the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic, passing through Rome and Ascoli Piceno. Along this road, the inhabited nuclei of this area developed, favorable for the exchange of goods. The fraction of Bacugno, in particular, was identified with the ancient center of Forum Decii, a market area from Roman times where commercial exchanges took place.

Later, with the fall of the Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions, the commercial center of Forum Decii declined and was replaced by the Market or Foro of Machilone. Machilone was nothing but a fortified castle, a castrum, located between the two hills in front of the modern inhabited center of Posta, beyond the eastern slope of the Velino River. The two summits of these hills are those that "enclose" the castle. It is probable that the castle itself gave life to the peaks; examining the place and the descriptions reported, it is not difficult to notice that the reliefs of the hill are anything but natural and certainly given by what remains of the structure of Machilone.


The climate of Posta is typically mountainous, but thanks to its altitude, winter cold is mitigated by dry temperatures that make the atmosphere pleasantly livable. In summer, temperatures are cool, and the climate is pleasant even in case of heat.

If you like skiing, the Municipality of Posta is the perfect place for you. Thanks to the presence of the Terminillo massif, you can have fun with ski facilities and numerous activities related to this sport. Even in summer, the mountain offers several activities such as trekking on numerous peaks and walks in nature.


In summary, the Municipality of Posta is the perfect place for those who love the mountains and nature. Its privileged location offers numerous activities from summer to winter skiing. Visiting Posta can be a unique experience for those who want to discover the charm of a mountain location immersed in history and nature.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022