
Welcome to Portomaggiore: a brief introduction

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about Portomaggiore, a beautiful municipality in the province of Ferrara, in Emilia-Romagna. With a population of around 11,642 inhabitants, Portomaggiore is the capital of the Union of the Valli and Delizie municipalities. In this summary, I will take you on a journey to discover this enchanting little town, from its geography to its history, all the way to the Estense Delights.

Physical geography

The city of Portomaggiore has a unique geography, developed on the ancient marshes of the Mezzano valleys (Ravenna) on the banks of old branches of the Po river. The city is classified as zone E, 2272 GG based on its climatic position.

Portomaggiore: History, Geography, and the Estensi Delights

Origin of the name

The name Portomaggiore derives from the important river port that existed on the Sandalo which allowed for trade with nearby watercourses such as the Fossa di Porto and the Po di Primaro. Additionally, this port was also a commercial route to the sea, through the Valli di Comacchio.


The history of Portomaggiore dates back to the 12th century when the first settlements were built in the area. Over the centuries, this land was contested between the archiepiscopal powers of Ravenna-Cervia and Ferrara-Comacchio. In 1119, Emperor Henry VI moved the Ferrarese border to the Fossa di Bosio, including Portomaggiore. However, the archbishops of Ravenna maintained control of the area until 1277 when the Ferrarese obtained definitive control over the centers of Portomaggiore, Sandolo, Maiero, Ripapersico, Consandolo, and Portoverrara.

During the Duchy of Ferrara, Portomaggiore was under the domination of the Estensi, who made remarkable improvements to the area's reclamation. The Estensi ruled the city until its devolution to the Papal State. During this period, the city's inhabitants rebelled against the legitimate government of Nicolò III, supporting the cause of Marquis Azzo. This led to the Battle of Portomaggiore, which ended with Azzo's defeat. After this episode, Portomaggiore returned under Estense direction, becoming a focal point for the ruling house.

The Estense Delights

The Estensi had a particular inclination for indulging in particularly luxurious stopping places, refreshment stops, and hunting grounds in every part of the duchy, called "Estense Delights". Portomaggiore also hosted some of these delights, such as the famous Ducal Palace, still visitable today.

In conclusion, Portomaggiore is a city with a long past, rich in history and traditions. Don't hesitate to visit this enchanting little town, immersed in the beauty of the Emilian countryside and the charm of ancient river ports.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Jul 28, 2022