Ponzano Veneto

Welcome to Ponzano Veneto: a municipality scattered among three villages

Ponzano Veneto is a municipality in the province of Treviso, located in the Veneto region. With a population of 13,015 inhabitants, the town consists of three villages: Ponzano, Paderno, and Merlengo. In 1807, the three villages joined forces to form the municipality of Ponzano, and in 1868, the municipality was renamed Ponzano Veneto. Today, the municipality is a lively and picturesque place situated just a few kilometers from the city of Treviso. In this guide, we will explore the history and points of interest of the town.

Origins of the Name

The name Ponzano has ancient origins. The toponym of the two fractions, Pontianus and Paternus, indicates the origin of the colonizers who obtained some land to cultivate. Merlengo, on the other hand, derives from Marling, of Germanic origin.

Ponzano Veneto: history, symbols and points of interest


The three villages of Ponzano Veneto probably already existed in ancient times, as the territory was crossed by the Via Postumia, a consular road that connected Genoa to Aquileia. However, the documented history of the municipality dates back to August 16, 1077, when Ecelo I, a member of the Ezzelini family, sold his property located near Ponzano Veneto. The Ezzelini family continued to own property in Ponzano, and even after their physical elimination in 1260 in Treviso, they continued to be recorded in this area.

In the Middle Ages, the three villages became "Colmello" of the Quartier d'Oltrecagnan and "Cappelle" of the Pieve of Postioma, according to the medieval administrative division of Treviso. Later, under Venetian rule, the three villages were called "Ville" and were part of the lower countryside district.

In the 18th century, most of the land was owned by Venetian patricians, wealthy bourgeoisie, or religious entities. There were few small farmers in the area. In the 19th century, after the end of Venetian rule, the industrial economy began to take its first steps, and the first artisan nuclei were formed, but the standard of living of the population worsened more and more, forcing many inhabitants of the municipality to emigrate overseas, especially towards Brazil.


The coat of arms and the gonfalon were granted by a decree of the President of the Republic on April 19, 1956. The gonfalon is a yellow cloth with an upright green stripe.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The municipality of Ponzano Veneto boasts numerous Venetian villas and palaces, all dating back to the 1500s and 1700s. Among the most famous are Villa Cicogna (municipal seat), Villa Sorgato, Villa Van Axel, Palazzo Campbell, Villa Persico (Relais Monaco hotel), Villa Corner, and Villa Minelli (office of Benetton).

The parish churches of Ponzano Veneto are very suggestive. The Church of San Leonardo, dating back to the 18th century, is one of the oldest places of worship in the town. The parish church of Paderno, dedicated to S. Maria Assunta, was completed in the mid-1800s and has a ceiling by Sebastiano Santi from 1838, the Altarpiece of the Assumption of Antonio Zanchi from the 17th century, the Altarpiece of the Flight into Egypt by Bartolomeo Orioli from 1603, and the painting of the Last Supper from the 17th century. Finally, the church of Merlengo, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, was built last century, while the baroque bell tower dates back to 1734. Inside the church, you can admire the works of Giovan Domenico Tiepolo, son of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, and the two marble heads of Jesus and Mary, attributed to Giuseppe Bernardi, a master of Antonio Canova.

Ponzano Veneto is a picturesque municipality with a rich artistic and cultural heritage. The beauty of the town's villas and churches attracts visitors from all over the world.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Jun 6, 2022