Ponzano Monferrato

Welcome to Ponzano Monferrato!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful municipality located in Piedmont: Ponzano Monferrato, also known as "Ponsan" in the local language. With its 331 inhabitants and its thousand-year-old history, this village offers many things to discover and admire.

The history of Ponzano Monferrato

Founded in Roman times, Ponzano Monferrato has a history rich in events and important figures. Its coat of arms, represented by a crowned rampant lion, is a symbol of the courage and strength of its inhabitants. Over the centuries, Ponzano Monferrato has undergone several dominations, from the Lombards to the Savoyards, who have left important artistic and architectural testimonies.

Ponzano Monferrato: History and Beauties of the Piedmontese Municipality

Monuments and places of interest

You cannot come to Ponzano Monferrato without visiting the Sacro Monte di Crea, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This complex of chapels and sanctuaries, located on a hill with a panoramic view of the valley, is a place of great religious devotion and artistic beauty. Among the numerous chapels that make it up, one of the most suggestive is that of Paradise, with its late 16th-century frescoes. In addition, you cannot fail to admire the Sanctuary and chapel 19, dedicated to the Resurrection.

Society in Ponzano Monferrato

In the last hundred years, the population of Ponzano Monferrato has decreased by about 75%, but despite this, the village has maintained its vitality and cultural identity. The inhabitants are very attached to their traditions and origins, and are always ready to welcome visitors warmly.

The hamlets of Ponzano Monferrato

The municipality of Ponzano Monferrato has only one hamlet, Salabue, which is about 1.6 km from the main center. Here is the beautiful Castle of Salabue, which was the residence of the lords of the homonymous feud, including the famous musical instrument collector Ignazio Alessandro Cozio. This castle has recently been restored and is now open to visitors.

The administration of Ponzano Monferrato

In the table below, you can see the administrations that have succeeded in this village over the years. It can be noted how political stability has been one of the strengths of Ponzano Monferrato.

Infrastructure and transport

If you want to reach Ponzano Monferrato by public transport, you can take the Castagnole-Asti-Mortara railway line and get off at the Salabue station, located in the hamlet of the municipality. Unfortunately, this station was closed in 2003, but there are still several buses that connect Ponzano Monferrato to nearby towns. In addition, the SP19 and SP23 are the roads that allow you to reach the village from different directions.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a quiet and suggestive place to spend a few days of relaxation, Ponzano Monferrato is the ideal choice. You can admire its natural and artistic beauties, taste its typical products such as Barbera wine and the famous Fernet liqueur, and meet friendly and hospitable people. You won't regret it!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Jan 6, 2022