
Discovering Pontevico: a charming town in Lombardy

If you're looking for a destination for a day trip, we recommend discovering Pontevico, a town in the southern province of Brescia, in Lombardy. With its 6,986 inhabitants, Pontevico is a peaceful and pleasant place to visit, where you can breathe fresh air and learn about the history and culture of the territory.

The physical geography of Pontevico

Pontevico is located in the southern province of Brescia and is kissed by the Oglio River. Its location makes it an ideal starting point for exploring the Oglio Valley and the surrounding natural landscapes.

Pontevico: discovering a gem of Lombardy

Origins of the name and history of Pontevico

The name Pontevico derives from "Pons Vici". The territory of Pontevico has a millennial history: during Roman civilization, the "Via Brixiana" passed through Pontevico, a consular road that connected the river port of Cremona with Brescia and branched out towards the entire Cisalpine Gaul. In the medieval period, the people of Brescia built a castle that initially belonged to the Martinengo, who in 1127 promised it to the bishop of Brescia. Over the centuries, Pontevico has had different owners, but it has always maintained its commercial vocation.

Symbols of Pontevico

The banner of Pontevico is a white cloth, adorned with a coat of arms and a blue border.

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of the Saints Thomas and Andrew the Apostles is one of the most interesting places in Pontevico. Its imposing façade and elegant architectural lines make it a true gem of the territory.

Social life and demography of Pontevico

Pontevico has 6,986 inhabitants and the predominant language is Italian, but Lombard-Brescian is still spoken by many residents. The town is characterized by a lively social fabric, with associations, groups, and committees engaged in cultural and recreational activities.

The administration of Pontevico

Alessandra Azzini has been the Mayor of Pontevico since May 2019 and was elected with the Lega Nord-Forza Italy-Fratelli d'Italia list.

Infrastructure and transport

Pontevico is well connected to the rest of the region thanks to the presence of the 45 bis Gardesana Occidentale State Highway and the Provincial Road 64. The town is also served by buses and public transport that allow for easy travel to Cremona and Brescia. For those traveling by train, the Robecco-Pontevico railway station, located in the town of Robecco d'Oglio, is the ideal arrival and departure point.


Pontevico is a welcoming and hospitable town that offers many opportunities for a pleasant and interesting visit. If you're looking for new destinations, don't hesitate to take a stroll through its streets and admire the beauties of the landscape, culture, and history of a locality with a strong and authentic character like Pontevico!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022