La Borra

A welcoming place in Tuscany: La Borra

La Borra is a hamlet of the municipality of Pontedera, located in Tuscany. In the heart of Valdera, this small community offers a perfect combination of nature, history, and culture.

Physical geography

La Borra is located in a flat area, a few kilometers south of Pontedera. The Era river flows along the town to the east, while to the west there is Santa Lucia (Pontedera), and to the south Ponsacco. The hamlet is surrounded by beautiful hills that make the landscape extraordinary. In front of the town, across the river, there are the hamlets of Il Romito (Pontedera) and Val di Cava.

La Borra: nature, history and culture in Tuscany.


The village has a long history dating back to the ancient Travalda. The area was owned by the Braccini family and developed around the church of Santa Maria della Tosse in the 17th century. The central nucleus of the hamlet is constituted by the villa and farm of Tognocchi Demi, previously owned by the Sforza family. During the 20th century, La Borra experienced strong urban development thanks to the realization of the Era river embankment.

Monuments and places of interest

The church of Madonna dei Braccini, built between 1651 and 1652, is the parish church of the hamlet. It is located on the property of the Braccini family, with a title of Santa Maria della Tosse. The parish is united with that of the hamlet of Santa Lucia (Pontedera), and the entire territory has a population of about 2,000 inhabitants.


In 1877, a watermill owned by Angelo Cavallini was built in La Borra, later transformed in 1884 into an oil mill. In 1924, the company "Fratelli Cipollini e Baschieri" bought the building to transform it into a paper mill, using straw as raw material. The activity of the paper mill in La Borra lasted until 1957, the year of bankruptcy and consequent dismantling of the production. However, the remains of the structure are still visible near the river.

In conclusion, La Borra is a unique place, where the beauty of nature is combined with history and culture. A perfect destination for those looking for a quiet long weekend, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, Jan 30, 2022