
Discovering Pompu: a slice of history and culture in Sardinia

Pompu, a small town in the province of Oristano in Sardinia, has an ancient and fascinating history to tell. With its 237 inhabitants, the town is located in the region of Marmilla and its name may derive from the Latin Pòmpa, meaning procession.

Origins of the name and history

The hypothesis that the name derives from "procession" could refer to the religious events that took place around a small sanctuary dedicated to Santa Maria di Monserrato and attracted many people from various parts. At the foot of the sanctuary, a group of houses was formed that housed the church's caretakers and the preparers of the annual "Pompa", i.e. the religious procession organized by the inhabitants, who were called the "Pompesi". Hence the name "Pompu" for the town, which today represents a historical and cultural heritage of great value.

The first written documents of Pompu date back to 1388. During the Middle Ages, the town belonged to the Judicate of Arborea and, at the fall of the latter in 1420, passed under the Marquisate of Oristano. Following the definitive defeat of the Arborensi in 1478, Pompu was incorporated into the Incontrada of Parte Montis and was controlled by the feudal lords of Quirra, until the extinction of the Bertran Carroz family in 1511. Subsequently, it was incorporated into the Marquisate of Quirra and was redeemed from the feudal system in 1839.

In the nineteenth century, Pompu had a rich and lively economy, thanks to its four mills located along the "Riu de Pompu" river. Even today, many houses preserve the old mills for the processing of wheat, while an ancient olive press dates back to the early nineteenth century. In 1927, the town of Pompu was merged with the towns of Siris and Masullas, but regained its administrative autonomy in 1961.

Pompu: history and culture of a Sardinian treasure.

Symbols and monuments

The banner of the town of Pompu is a yellow flag, while the coat of arms dates back to 2007.

A very important resource of Pompu is the archaeological site of "Prabanta", a vast area that preserves a polylobed nuraghe of great importance. The site also includes the Murranca oil mill from the nineteenth century, stone mills, portals with worked arches, and the ancient church of San Sebastiano. Other important archaeological areas in the territory are the area of "Su Laccu e su Meli" and the nuragic settlement of Santu Miali.


The demography of Pompu has undergone a strong reduction compared to the past. Currently, the town has only 237 inhabitants, but its cultural and historical heritage makes it a unique and fascinating place. In Pompu, the western Campidanese variant of Sardinian is spoken.

In summary, Pompu represents a treasure trove of Sardinian history and culture, a paradise nestled between mountains and river, with ancient roots and timeless charm.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Mar 23, 2022