
Welcome to Pomarolo: the municipality of Val Lagarina

Welcome to Pomarolo, a charming Italian municipality in the province of Trento, with a population of 2448 inhabitants. The name of the village comes from the Latin term "pomarium", which means "small apple orchard". This is because the territory of Pomarolo is known for the cultivation of quality apples and most of the local families are involved in agriculture.

History and the Castle of Barco

The ancient town of Pomarolo is located on the road that runs along the eastern bank of the Adige river and has always been one of the main centers of Val Lagarina. After being destroyed by Emperor Lothair II of Supplimburgo in 1136, the village rose again as a small mountainous free commune, whose sphere of influence included all the villages between Isera, Aldeno, and Cimone (municipality). Over the centuries, the nearby Castle of Barco became an important center of power and hosted the "milites" family of Castelbarco.

Pomarolo: a Trentino village between apples and traditions.

Places of interest: the churches

There are several churches of historical interest in the municipality of Pomarolo. The church of San Cristoforo is the main parish church of the village, while the church of the Annunciation of Mary is located in the fraction of Savignano. Other churches worth a visit are the Church of San Rocco in the homonymous fraction, the church of Sant'Antonio, and the Church of the Salette.

Local society and traditions

The demographic evolution of Pomarolo has constantly changed over the years. Today, the village has almost 2500 inhabitants and there are many families that still cultivate apples in this mountainous area. Among the local traditions, we cannot forget the "filó", a typical Venetian-Trentino rural custom, which consisted of an evening gathering where elderly and young people told the latest news and funny anecdotes. This tradition lasted until the end of the Second World War and represented a very important meeting and sharing moment for the local community.

Culture and media

Pomarolo has attracted media attention thanks to the Italian television series "La dama velata", which was largely shot in this municipality. The inhabitants of the village are very proud to have been part of this production and enjoy watching the scenes filmed in their territory.

Local economy and services

The economy of Pomarolo is mainly based on agriculture and the cultivation of apples. In the village, there are many services available to residents, such as a civic center, medical clinics, a pharmacy, a fire brigade barracks, a post office, a tobacconist, a nursery school, a kindergarten, an auditorium, a reading point, a gym, and a sports field.


In summary, Pomarolo is a wonderful village in the province of Trento, where the cultivation of apples reigns supreme. The local community is very united and proud of its history and traditions. The residents welcome tourists with pleasure and hope to share with them their love for the mountains and the beauty of their territory.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Oct 1, 2022