Polizzi Generosa

Welcome to Polizzi Generosa

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about Polizzi Generosa, a Sicilian municipality that is part of the Madonie Natural Park. The town has about 3000 inhabitants and is located in the metropolitan city of Palermo.


Polizzi Generosa is a site rich in history dating back to the 6th century BC. Since ancient times, this city has been an important strategic crossroads thanks to its location between the Carthaginian and Syracusan domains. The city has always had a stable garrison along the border and a fortress manned by mercenary militias from Campania. Over the centuries, the city has been ruled by several powers such as the Arabs, who made it a prosperous center for two hundred years. The name Polizzi, of Greek (at least Byzantine) origin, derives from a toponym composed of ''Polis'' and refers to the city.

Polizzi Generosa: historical treasures in the heart of the Madonie.

The Palizzis and the City of the King

Polizzi also has a rich noble history. There are some noble families that were of great power in 14th century Sicily, such as the Palizzis. The Palizzis, of Norman origin, were active during the reigns of Peter II of Aragon and Louis of Aragon. At that time, they led the Latin faction along with the Chiaramonte, opposing the Catalans. According to Amari (1880), the site of Polizzi would identify with the City of the King (''Basileopolis'') of Byzantine and Arab documents, built in 880.

Modern era

During the Angevin period, Polizzi Generosa maintained its prosperity and became a demesne city. It was also during this period that a hamlet (suburban village) developed, taking its name from the church of St. Peter outside the walls, of which some vestiges remain. However, at the end of the 16th century, the city began to decline due to a devastating plague that decimated the population. Nevertheless, at the end of the 19th century, the city resumed its development, as evidenced by the presence of various commercial activities.


Polizzi Generosa is a city rich in history that has withstood the vicissitudes of time. From an ancient Greek city to a prosperous Arab center, Polizzi has crossed centuries of noble history. The city is strategically located in the metropolitan city of Palermo and is a perfect destination for a visit to Madonie. Come and discover the beauty of Polizzi Generosa, it will be an unforgettable experience!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, Aug 6, 2022