
Poirino: the municipality in the Turin metropolitan city

Hello! Today I will talk about Poirino, an Italian municipality in the Turin metropolitan city in Piedmont. This town of about 10,000 inhabitants is located southeast of Turin, bordering the provinces of Cuneo and Asti. In addition, Poirino is situated in the center of the plain that extends from the Alps to the Monferrato area.

Physical geography of Poirino

The town of Poirino is located in the center of the Pianalto di Poirino, a sub-planar area that extends for about 400 square kilometers. This geographic area is characterized by gentle undulations and slopes of varying heights that separate it from the Astesana and Langhe hills.

The northern edge of the Pianalto is characterized by a gradual increase in the slope of the topographic surface. The southeastern edge, on the other hand, has a more pronounced increase in inclination, delimited by a high scarp that separates it from the Langhe hills.

The Eastern Scarp, which extends east of the Pianalto, separates this geographic area from the Astesana hills. These hills are characterized by erosion that has affected a surface that was already marked by slightly lower elevations than the Pianalto di Poirino.

The western boundary of the Pianalto is instead separated from the Alluvial Plains by the Western Scarp. This scarp is oriented in a north-south direction and has a lower height than the Eastern Scarp.

Poirino: the Piedmontese town between Turin, Cuneo, and Asti.

The three sectors of Poirino

The town of Poirino is commonly distinguished into three sectors. The Southern Sector extends approximately between the course of the Rio Ripoglia and the Rio Ricchiardo, with an average slope of 1.5% towards the northwest.

The Central Sector, on the other hand, extends from the Rio Ricchiardo to the Rio Jancroce and has a slope of 1% towards the same direction. Finally, the Northern Sector extends from Rio Jancroce to the border with the province of Asti, with an average slope of 0.5% towards the west.


Here is a brief description of the physical geography of Poirino. This town is surrounded by a sub-planar area that extends from the Alluvial Plains to the hills of Monferrato. In addition, it is characterized by three sectors with different inclinations. Thank you for reading this summary!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Sunday, Mar 6, 2022