
Poggiomarino: a brief introduction

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about Poggiomarino, an Italian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Naples in Campania, inhabited by over 21,997 people. Poggiomarino is a place rich in ancient and fascinating history dating back to the Bronze Age when the Sarrasti, the first inhabitants of the area, built their villages on artificial islets surrounded by navigable canals. But the modern history of Poggiomarino is linked to the construction of the Count of Sarno Canal at the end of the 17th century.

The ancient history of Poggiomarino

Dating back to the Bronze Age (around 1350 BC), the area where Poggiomarino stands today was inhabited by the Sarrasti, a people who built their villages on artificial islets surrounded by navigable canals. In 2000, during the construction of the medium-Sano purifier, important finds were uncovered, including a dock with at least two boats anchored to poles. The Sarrasti moved along the canals with long, narrow boats.

Poggiomarino: history and modernity in Campania

The origin of Poggiomarino: from the 19th century to modernity

The modern history of Poggiomarino dates back to the end of the 17th century when the "Count of Sarno Canal" was built by the noble Sarno County. The workers involved in the construction created dwellings around the "Taverna Penta" tavern, which gave its name to the village. During the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631, the populations of Vesuvian moved to a safer area, contributing to the growth of the new village. In 1738, Poggio Marino assumed its current name from its owner Giacomo de Marinis, a powerful Genoese merchant who had purchased the Principality of Striano and the Marquisate of Genzano di Lucania. The palace was built and the population began to grow exponentially until it reached 2,200 inhabitants in 1804. Between Poggiomarino and Striano there was a stone bridge under which the Sarno, then called Dragone, flowed, full of eels and crabs.


In summary, Poggiomarino is a place of a thousand faces, where history and modernity blend together. Its ancient history dating back to the Bronze Age has evolved over time, giving rise to a well-organized and modern village. The construction of the Count of Sarno Canal sparked the growth of the town and today Poggiomarino is a lively and reliable municipality. If you visit Campania, we invite you to stop in Poggiomarino to discover its secrets.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Monday, Oct 31, 2022