
Poggiodomo: an Umbrian municipality with ancient and evocative history

The Umbrian municipality of Poggiodomo is a small town with only 92 inhabitants located in the province of Perugia. Despite its really small size, this municipality is known for some characteristics that make it unique in its kind. Firstly, Poggiodomo is one of the least populated municipalities not only in its province but throughout the entire Italian territory. Moreover, the municipality is located at an average altitude of around one thousand meters, making it the second highest municipality in the entire Umbria region.

But the peculiarities of Poggiodomo do not end here. This municipality is located along the eastern slope of Monte Coscerno, in a strategic position that makes it one of the many hilltop castles typical of this area. The territory of the municipality is characterized by steep slopes entirely occupied by woods of Fraxinus ornus and Fagus, an extremely precious area for the wildlife that lives there, including a great variety of birds.

A territory immersed in nature

The town of Poggiodomo is located in Valnerina, overlooking the Tissino River Valley, whose linear course is underlined by the perfect alignment of the three fractions of the municipality: Usigni, Roccatamburo and Mucciafora. It is an area immersed in nature, where human presence seems almost an exception to the rule. For this reason, over the centuries, Poggiodomo has been a place of refuge for monks, hermits, exiles of the Ghibelline factions and partisans, who founded the most operative brigades during World War II.

Poggiodomo: history and nature in an Umbrian municipality

A history rich in charm

The history of Poggiodomo dates back to the 13th century-14th century, when the municipality was born around a castle located on a rocky spur. It was during this period that Poggiodomo became part of the Duchy of Spoleto, following the events of the cities of Leonessa, Cascia and Spoleto over the years. After the year 1000, in fact, the castle became a point of reference for all the surrounding cities. In 1809, during the Napoleonic era, the municipality obtained its own political autonomy and detached its territories from Cascia, thus becoming an autonomous Municipality. This situation remained unchanged even after the Restoration, and in 1861, the municipality became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

Points of interest

Despite its small size, Poggiodomo offers some attractions of considerable tourist interest. In particular, in the fraction of Roccatamburo stands the Hermitage of the Madonna della Stella, whose foundation dates back to the 8th century. It is a very suggestive and characteristic place of prayer, immersed in a beech forest. In addition to this, the territory of the municipality is ideal for those who want to go on excursions and trekking, walking through the woods and breathing the fresh and clean mountain air.

Local administration

The administration of Poggiodomo is entrusted to the Municipal Council, which is elected every five years. The municipality is part of the Valnerina Mountain Community and Agricultural Region No. 4 - Montagna del Corno.


Poggiodomo is an Umbrian municipality that, despite its small size, offers many attractions and suggestions for tourists who want to discover truly unique and out-of-the-ordinary places. The wild and unspoiled nature surrounding the town is the true protagonist of its territory, making this municipality a real jewel of the province of Perugia. If you are looking for a place far from the usual tourist routes but of great charm and beauty, you cannot fail to put a visit to Poggiodomo on your agenda.

Federico Conte
Updated Monday, Jul 11, 2022