Poggio Moiano

Welcome to Poggio Moiano!

Hello friends! Today I will talk to you about Poggio Moiano, an Italian municipality with a fascinating history and a lot to offer in terms of tourism.

The physical geography of Poggio Moiano

Poggio Moiano is located in the province of Rieti, in Lazio, and is inhabited by about 2797 people. The town is situated at 520 meters above sea level, on the northern slopes of the Lucretili Mountains. The climate belongs to zone E with 2311 GR/G.

Discover Poggio Moiano: history, nature, and craftsmanship.

The history of Poggio Moiano

The origins of Poggio Moiano are not entirely clear, but it is believed that the settlement was formed thanks to loggers who settled in the area between the 7th century and the year 1000. The first time the town appears on documents is in 1083, and the following year it is confirmed as a fief by Henry IV of Franconia. In 1262, Pope Urban IV designated the fief as a castrum and gave possession to the Abbey of Farfa. In the 15th century, Giovanni Battista Savelli took possession of it and held it until 1462, when Pius II confiscated the possessions from Giacomo Savelli for having sided with the Angevins in the war with the Aragonese for the Kingdom of Naples. Poggio Moiano then passed from the hands of the Orsini to those of the Savelli family, then to the Borghese and finally to the Torlonia. Since 1861, from the Papal State, it has been added to the province of Umbria in the Kingdom of Italy and since 1927 it has been included in the province of Rieti.

Monuments and places of interest in Poggio Moiano

There are several natural places to admire in Poggio Moiano, such as the Regional Natural Park of the Lucretili Mountains, the Waterfall of the Fosso della Mola in the Rio Romeano, and Monte Pennino, from which you can admire the entire territory of the Municipality and a large part of that of Bassa Sabina.

Society in Poggio Moiano

As in most small Italian municipalities, the demographic evolution has been fluctuating: after a peak in 1951 with 4953 inhabitants, the population decreased until it reached 2797 residents in 2001.

Culture in Poggio Moiano

The Don Antonio Santini Band was founded in 1973 when Don Antonio Santini decided to establish a musical course, entrusting Maestro Vittorio Lopa with the task of creating the Poggio Moiano Folklore Group, now known as the Don Antonio Santini Band. In the 80s, under the direction of Maestro Giuseppe Li Puma, the band achieved maximum popularity and still participates in all the religious and civil events of the town.

Economy in Poggio Moiano

Among the traditional, widespread, and renowned economic activities are those of handicrafts: the art of ceramics and terracotta handicrafts are very popular in Poggio Moiano.

Infrastructure and transportation in Poggio Moiano

Poggio Moiano is connected to a state road, the 314 Licinese, which connects it to Osteria Nuova and the Strada statale 4 Via Salaria, as well as leading to Pozzaglia Sabina, Orvinio, and Vicovaro. The Provincial Road 60-69 instead connects it to Lake Turano and Castel di Tora. The State Road 4 Via Salaria is the most important connection artery, linking the municipality to Rome and the provincial capital of Rieti. Unfortunately, the town is not served by any railway line.

And so we have finished our virtual tour of Poggio Moiano! I hope I have been able to show you something new about this lovely town. If you have the opportunity, I invite you to visit it in person!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023