Poggio Catino

Welcome to Poggio Catino!

Hello everyone! If you are passionate about history, art, and nature, you cannot miss visiting Poggio Catino, a small municipality with 1246 inhabitants in the province of Rieti, in Lazio. Let's discover together the characteristics and beauties of this locality.

Let's discover Poggio Catino together: history, art and nature of Sabina.

Physical geography


Poggio Catino is located 387 meters above sea level, on a hill that is part of the southwestern slope of the Sabini mountains. The inhabited part is composed of two villages, Poggio Catino and Catino (Poggio Catino), located about 900 meters apart from each other.


According to the Italian climate classification, Poggio Catino has a type D climate, which means a temperate climate with cold and humid winters and hot and dry summers. The average annual temperature is around 14°C, with moderate and evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year.

History of Poggio Catino

Poggio Catino has ancient origins dating back to the Roman era, when some Roman aristocrats built villas here to enjoy the fresh air and the rough and wild landscape of Sabina.

The birth of the settlement as a separate territorial entity dates back to the 7th century AD, when some Lombard tribes, deviating towards Sabina, founded numerous villages and towns in the area, including the first urban settlement on the edge of a natural basin at the foot of the Tancia mountain, which gave the name to the village.

Later on, building new houses became impossible in the basin area, so the settlement moved to the nearby Moricone hill, giving birth to a new village, later known as Poggio Catino. In 1093, the registry of the Farfa Abbey already reported the existence and size of the new Castrum.

Over the centuries, the domination of the area passed from hand to hand to numerous local lords, including the Tuscolo Counts, the Orsini, the Savelli, the Vitelli, and the Capizucchi. It was precisely under the lordship of the latter that the fiefdom was elevated to a marquisate by Pope Clement VIII.

Finally, in 1614, the fiefdom of Catino and Poggio Catino passed into the hands of the Olgiati family, who held it for several centuries, until the unification of Italy. The unification of the two villages into a single administrative entity only took place with the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy.

Symbols of Poggio Catino

The coat of arms and the gonfalone of Poggio Catino were granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1984. The gonfalone is a cloth divided into blue and red.

What to see in Poggio Catino

Religious architecture

If you like religious architecture, do not miss the Church of Sant'Eustachio in Catino, located in the homonymous square, or the Church of San Rocco, dating back to the 14th century, located in Poggio Catino. The latter has a clock on the facade and a single nave with an apse decorated with frescoes from the 15th century.

Civil architecture

Among the civil architecture, the Lombard Tower with fortified ruins of Catino represents one of the symbols of the village. Furthermore, in Poggio Catino, you can admire the Olgiati Palace, the seat of the Municipality, built in the early 19th century in the place where there was previously a medieval tower.

Archaeological remains

For lovers of ancient Rome, the archaeological remains of the Terme di Silla are a must-see. This site probably dates back to the Republican era and is an important example of Roman thermal architecture.


In conclusion, Poggio Catino represents a place of great historical, artistic, and cultural interest, where it is possible to discover many natural and scenic beauties of Sabina. We invite you to visit this wonderful municipality in Lazio and enjoy its authenticity and timeless beauty. See you soon!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Jan 19, 2023