Poggio a Caiano

Welcome to Poggio a Caiano, the smallest municipality in Tuscany

If you are looking for a peaceful place surrounded by the beauty of nature, Poggio a Caiano is the perfect place for you! This municipality, with only 9904 inhabitants, is one of the smallest in Tuscany, covering an area of only 6 km². It is located on the outskirts of the plain between Florence, Prato, and Pistoia and is strategically positioned just 15 km from Florence. In this article, we will talk about the physical geography, hydrography, Montalbano, climate, and even the rare snowfall that sometimes affects it.

Physical geography

The territory of Poggio a Caiano represents the last foothill of Montalbano and is composed of some hills and reliefs. The town has developed around the hill where the Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano stands. On the slopes of Montalbano, you can find the hamlets of Santa Cristina in Pilli, Bonistallo, and Petraia.

Poggio a Caiano: between natural beauty and rare snowfalls.


The town is partly surrounded by the Ombrone Pistoiese stream, which marks the border with Prato and the municipalities of Campi Bisenzio and Signa. The river is subject to frequent floods, but the last major flood was recorded between December 24, 2009, and January 6, 2010. The overflow is located at Ponte all'Asse, about...


Montalbano is a mountain range that covers 16,000 hectares between the provinces of Pistoia, Prato, and Florence. This hilly system separates the upper Valdarno from the lower Valdarno and reaches an altitude of 627 meters above sea level.


The climate in Poggio a Caiano is mainly characterized by cold winters with almost no precipitation, while summers are hot. Most of the annual rainfall occurs in the autumn months, but also in spring. During the summer, the temperature can easily exceed 35 °C, and sometimes even 40 °C, especially due to the morphology of the territory.


Winters in Poggio a Caiano are usually very cold and with rare snowfall. In 1985, for example, there was one of the largest snowfalls in living memory, with approximately 60 cm of snow and temperatures that, due to the thermal inversion, dropped to -23.7 °C.


Poggio a Caiano is a small but well-positioned municipality, surrounded by natural beauty such as the Montalbano mountain range and the Ombrone Pistoiese river. It is an ideal place for those looking for tranquility and breathtaking views. Come and visit Poggio a Caiano and be enchanted by its beauty!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Aug 25, 2022