
Welcome to Pocenia

Hello friends, today I will tell you about Pocenia, a beautiful municipality in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in the southwestern Friulian plain, with a population of 2356 inhabitants. Pocenia is an ideal destination for those looking for a location with a hot and humid climate in summer and colder and rainy in autumn and winter.

Physical geography

Historically, the territory of Pocenia has been a settlement since Roman times. In fact, a village of local fishermen settled along the banks of the Stella river. Today, the municipality of Pocenia borders 5 municipalities: Talmassons to the north, Castions di Strada and Muzzana del Turgnano to the east, Palazzolo dello Stella to the south and Rivignano Teor to the west. In the surroundings of Pocenia there are several protected parks and natural and artificial lakes.

The municipality of Pocenia extends in the southwestern Friulian plain and is about 30 km from Udine, 53 km from Gorizia, 55 km from Pordenone, 75 km from Trieste, 82 km from Treviso and 98 km from Venice. Two rivers run through the municipality from north to south: the Stella and the Torsa. Torsa is located north of the municipality, Paradiso to the east while Roveredo and Pocenia to the southwest, which converge near the capital.

Discover Pocenia: cycling tourism, hikes, and Friulian gastronomy.


The average annual temperature is about 13.4 °C with the minimum in January (3.5 °C) and the maximum in July (23.3 °C). During the summer, rainfall is usually stormy, but hailstorms are rare. It snows about 1 time a year on average with a snow accumulation of about 5 centimeters annually.


The origin of the municipality of Pocenia, presumed from the theory of its toponym "Pulcinia" or from the feminine personal of the Latin language "Pulcinuis", dates back to Roman times. According to some historians and scholars, via Stroppagallo could have been a road that connected Cividale del Friuli with Aquileia along which there were some noble houses where coins of Caesar Augustus and some amphorae were found. From a geographical point of view, however, Pocenia is much further west than these two cities.

What to see in Pocenia

Pocenia offers its visitors a range of cycling routes immersed in nature, to be traveled by bike, hiking trails to discover the treasures of Friulian nature, guided tours to discover local traditions and Friulian food and wine culture.

Cycling routes

For cycling enthusiasts, Pocenia offers a wide range of cycling routes, suitable for all ages and levels of physical preparation. The itineraries are developed on flat terrain and wind through the Friulian countryside, along rivers such as the Stella and Tagliamento and natural lakes such as that of Pocenia.

Hiking trails

For those who prefer to walk, Pocenia offers hiking trails immersed in nature, where you can discover the fauna and flora of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. The itineraries wind through paths that cross fields, pinewoods, lakes, and rivers.

Traditions and gastronomy

Friulian culture is also expressed in gastronomy, with traditional dishes that preserve unique flavors and aromas. Friulian food and wine culture offers high-quality products such as San Daniele prosciutto, insalata di rinforzo, and frico, accompanied by regional wines such as Friulano and Refosco. In Pocenia, it is possible to participate in wine tastings, guided tours of wineries, cooking courses, and theme evenings aimed at all those who want to learn to cook typical Friulian dishes.


Pocenia represents an ideal destination to spend a vacation immersed in nature, between walks and cycling, discovering local traditions and choosing delicious Friulian gastronomic specialties. Pocenia is located in a strategic location, a few kilometers from Veneto, an excellent opportunity to visit other nearby cities such as Venice and Treviso. I hope that my story has intrigued you and encouraged you to visit this wonderful municipality in northern Italy.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022