
Pizzoli: a mountain town in the Aquilana basin

Pizzoli, also known as Pizzuli in the Aquilano dialect, is a town in Abruzzo located in the Alto Aterno area, specifically in the Aquilana basin. With a population of about 3,000 inhabitants, Pizzoli is part of the Amiternina mountain community and the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park.

Pizzoli: a mountain municipality in the Monti della Laga

Physical Geography


The municipal territory of Pizzoli extends on the slopes of Mount Marine, with an altitude ranging from 682 meters in Cermone to 2,132 meters in Monte San Franco. The town stretches along the route that goes from southeast to northwest, parallel to the course of the Aterno river. The municipality borders L'Aquila, a city with which it has close social and historical ties, for three-quarters, while it borders Barete to the west and Capitignano and Montereale to the north.


Pizzoli has a typical continental climate with strong daily and annual temperature variations. During the night, the phenomenon of thermal inversion between the valley floor and the mountainous area is easily observable. Autumn is the rainiest season, followed by spring and winter. Winter snow frequently occurs in the mountainous area, while it occurs less frequently and with lower accumulations in the valley floor. Summer is the dry and hot season.


Roman era

The Pizzoli area was already a border area since the migrations of the Piceni populations, when it became the border area between the Sabini and Vestini populations. Subsequently, it followed the fate of the city of Amiternum, which became a Prefecture of Regio IV Samnium in Augustan times.

Medieval era and the diocese of Amiterno

After the decline of Amiternum, the inhabitants spread to the numerous villages in the upper Aterno Valley. In the 6th century, there is news of a premonastic community that gathered around Abbot Equizio, who was buried here. In addition, a settlement located in San Lorenzo resisted the Saracen raids and the Lombard Kingdom. In 1185, Castrum Piczolum belonged, together with San Vittorino and Rocca di Corno, to Vetulo Gentile.

Foundation of L'Aquila (1254) and modern era

In the 13th century, Castrum Piczolum participated in the foundation of L'Aquila and contributed to the construction of the church of San Lorenzo in the district of Quarto di San Pietro.


Pizzoli is a town with a remarkable historical and natural heritage, located in a border area between Lazio and Abruzzo. The territory is particularly suitable for those who love mountains and nature, thanks to its location within the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. Furthermore, the proximity to L'Aquila allows you to discover the history and culture of the Abruzzo capital, from its ancient origins to the foundation of the city in the 13th century.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022