
Welcome to Pistoia: the city of monuments

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover another wonderful Italian city? Today I will tell you about Pistoia, a Tuscan town that certainly won't disappoint you. Pistoia has been decorated for military valor during the war of liberation and has received the silver medal for military valor for the sacrifices of its populations during World War II. But Pistoia is not just history and heroism, it is also a city rich in monuments and places of interest that are worth visiting.

Monuments and places of Interest

Pistoia boasts numerous Romanesque and Renaissance monuments. One of the most important historical landmarks is the suggestive Piazza del Duomo, the geometric center of the city. Important architectures such as the Cathedral of San Zeno, built in the early Middle Ages and then renovated until the modern era, overlook this square. Inside the cathedral, there is the silver altar of San Jacopo, considered a true masterpiece of sacred goldsmithing.

The Campanile of the Cathedral of Pistoia, built on an ancient tower of Lombard origin in Romanesque art, is divided into three orders of loggias and is 67 meters high. The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Corte, on the other hand, is a building dating back to the 14th century with decorations in white-green marbles and a picturesque dome in the center.

Finally, the Palazzo dei Vescovi was built in Gothic style in the 11th century as a fortified residence and then transformed into a noble palace in the 11th century.

Pistoia, historical and architectural treasures.

The Cathedral of San Zeno

I want to dwell a bit on the Cathedral of San Zeno because it is truly a special place. Built in the early Middle Ages, the cathedral was destroyed by two fires and then rebuilt in the 13th century. The internal appearance in three naves, originating from the 14th century, is embellished with seventeenth-century frescoes and numerous paintings.

Under the presbytery, there are the visitable remains of an imperial era Roman villa and the original church. But the real wonder of the cathedral is the altar of San Jacopo, made between 1287 and 1456 and to which Filippo Brunelleschi also worked. The altar is considered a masterpiece of sacred goldsmithing, and the accurate work of the goldsmiths of the time is really enchanting.

The Cathedral Campanile of Pistoia

Another place of great interest is the Campanile of the Cathedral of Pistoia, built in the 12th century. The bell tower reaches a total height of 67 meters and is divided into three orders of loggias. Inside, there is a bell cell with a spire (architecture), which underwent various renovations due to the earthquakes that hit the city in the late Middle Ages.

The current appearance of the Campanile dates back to 1576 and is truly impressive. The view of the city from above is breathtaking! So, if you're in Pistoia, you mustn't miss the opportunity to climb to the top and enjoy the panoramic view.

Baptistery of San Giovanni in Corte

Another place to visit is the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Corte, dating back to the 14th century. The building was built in Gothic style and has an octagonal plan with a picturesque dome in the center.

Inside, there is the baptismal font dating back to 1226, a true work of art in white-green marble. The Baptistery has undergone numerous restoration interventions over the centuries but is still one of the most beautiful and suggestive places in Pistoia.

Palazzo dei Vescovi

The Palazzo dei Vescovi is another important architecture of the city. The palace, built in Gothic style in the 11th century as a fortified residence, was then transformed into a noble palace in the following century.

Today, the Palazzo dei Vescovi is a cultural and tourist promotion center, hosting events, art exhibitions, and shows. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it is currently not possible to visit the palace, but we hope that you will be able to do so soon!


So, dear friends, this is all you need to know about Pistoia and its monuments. I hope this virtual journey has aroused your curiosity and made you want to visit this wonderful Tuscan town. Pistoia is a small city but with a great historical and architectural heritage.

If you decide to visit Pistoia, I recommend going in spring or autumn because the temperature is pleasant, and the city is less crowded. In any case, Pistoia is waiting for you with open arms!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022