
Welcome to Piozzano!

Hello everyone! Today I'm talking about Piozzano, a little gem in Emilia-Romagna, located in the province of Piacenza. With its 576 inhabitants, this municipality is part of the Union Montana Valli Trebbia and Luretta. If you're looking for a peaceful place, surrounded by nature, away from the chaos of the city, then Piozzano is the place for you.

Exploring the physical geography

Piozzano is located in the upper Luretta valley, a beautiful valley of the Ligurian Apennines, between the Trebbia and Tidone valleys. The municipal territory is crossed by the Luretta stream and is characterized by a medium and high hill. This area is perfect for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts, in fact you can take long walks or bike rides. In addition, Piozzano is located within the Denomination of Origin Controlled area of the Piacenza hills, so if you're a food and wine enthusiast, you'll know that there are high-quality products to taste here!

Piozzano: Discovering a gem of Emilia-Romagna

The history of Piozzano

The territory of Piozzano has been inhabited since prehistoric times, but it was during the Roman era that the localities of Vicus Pomarius, Canianum and Vidiano were first mentioned. In the Lombard period, the area was part of the possessions of the Abbey of San Colombano in Bobbio and several churches were built in the area, including the Church of San Vitale in Pomaro and the Church of San Salvatore in Piozzano. In the Middle Ages, the area was the scene of clashes between the Guelph and Ghibelline factions, with the invasion of Frederick Barbarossa's troops who destroyed the Monteventano manors and Montecanino castle. Following Barbarossa's descent, control of the Piozzano area was entrusted to the Palatine Counts of Lomello, but the territory was again the scene of fighting between Guelphs and Ghibellines. In 1242, the castle of Pomaro was destroyed by Obizzo Malaspina's troops, an event after which the fortress was never rebuilt.

What to see in Piozzano

Despite its small size, Piozzano has a lot to offer. In particular, I recommend visiting the Church of San Salvatore, a gem of Romanesque architecture dating back to the 11th century. This church has undergone several transformations and extensions over the centuries, but still retains much of its original appearance. In addition, if you're a castle enthusiast, don't miss the opportunity to visit Montevetano Castle, a medieval fortress built to defend the territory from enemy invasions.

Events and festivals in Piozzano

Piozzano is a very active municipality from a cultural and recreational standpoint, in fact, numerous events and festivals enliven the area throughout the year. In particular, during the summer, several village fairs take place, where you can taste the delicacies of local cuisine and dance to traditional music. Additionally, during the Christmas season, the town is illuminated with lights and Christmas markets and concerts are organized.

In conclusion

There you have everything you need to know about Piozzano. I hope I've piqued your curiosity and made you want to visit this beautiful municipality in Emilia-Romagna. If you're looking for a peaceful place immersed in nature, Piozzano is the perfect destination for you! Come and visit us and be surprised by the beauty of this magnificent territory.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Thursday, Aug 18, 2022