Piombino Dese

Piombino Dese: a town immersed in nature

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Piombino Dese, a town of 9402 inhabitants located in the province of Padua, in the heart of the Veneto region.


Piombino Dese's territory is characterized by the presence of numerous watercourses, including the Zero, the Dese (from which the toponym derives), the Draganziolo, the Marzenego and especially the Sile, which rises from the springs in the area. Thanks to its rich presence of wetlands, Piombino is one of the municipalities included in the regional natural park of the River Sile.

Piombino Dese: the nature and history of Veneto.

Name origins

The name Piombino would derive from the Latin term "plumbum", meaning lead, although the precise reason for this choice is unclear. Some suggest that it may be related to the characteristics of the terrain, while others believe it may be linked to the diving abilities of the Alcedo atthis, also known as "piombino".



Human presence along the River Sile dates back to the epipaleolithic era, around the 6th millennium BC, but intensifies during the Bronze Age, between 1900 and 1800 BC. During this period, the inhabitants of the area begin to practice agriculture, farming, hunting, fishing, and fruit gathering. It seems that sheep farming was particularly privileged, as it allowed the exploitation of the area's natural resources for a longer period.

Roman era

During the Roman era, Piombino Dese's territory underwent a profound transformation thanks to the regulation of water and the deforestation of the forests, which allowed the formation of stable settlements. In Torreselle, at the end of the 19th century, Roman tombs were found with bones, fragments of amphorae, and shards of pots. To this day, roads and moats follow the regularity of the ancient Roman centurion.

Advent of Christianity and Middle Ages

After the peace of Constantine in the 4th century, Christianity began to spread even in the countryside of Piombino Dese, coexisting for a certain period with pagan cults. During the Middle Ages, the territory came under the rule of various local lords, including the Counts of Camposampiero and the Carraresi of Padua.


Piombino Dese is a town immersed in nature, where you can admire the beauty of watercourses and wetlands. Its millennial history and archaeological traces make it a fascinating and suggestive place, where you can breathe the atmosphere of the past. If you are nature lovers, you cannot miss a visit to the natural park of the River Sile. See you in Piombino Dese!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Sunday, Oct 30, 2022