Welcome to Piode: a small Piedmontese town
Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Piode, a small municipality in the province of Vercelli, located in Valsesia in Piedmont. Piode has 188 inhabitants and is located at 752 meters above sea level.
The area where the town is located is known to be one of the main boarding points on the Sesia river for kayaking and rafting enthusiasts. But Piode is not only this: it has many other beauties to discover.
The physical geography of Piode
The territory of Piode has very pronounced altitude variations: the bottom of the valley is located at about 752 meters above sea level while the highest point, although uninhabited, is located at 2,081 meters above sea level.

The origins of the name Piode
The name Piode comes from the word "piova," or rock - also known as "beola" - used to cover the roofs of houses.
The history of Piode
Unfortunately, no documents related to the first settlements in the area have ever been recovered, but the first news of Piode dates back to 1217, the year in which - together with other municipalities in the area - it came under the jurisdiction of Vercelli. Later, from 1350, Piode was subject to the domination of the noble family of Milan of the Visconti, until 1703, the year in which the possessions were ceded to Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy.
The symbols of Piode
The coat of arms and the flag of the municipality of Piode were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on July 10, 1970. The flag is a blue flag.
Monuments and points of interest in Piode
Among the monuments of Piode there are some religious buildings, such as the parish church of Santo Stefano: rebuilt in 1748, it features Antonio Orgiazzi's frescoes and three paintings by Pier Francesco Gianoli. In addition, the oratory of Madonna delle Pietre Grosse was built on the site of a landslide and its bell tower was carved from one of the boulders that fell downstream during the calamity. Finally, the church of San Giovanni Battista houses paintings by Melchiorre d'Enrico.
In the territory of Piode, moreover, there is a path that, passing through some small fractions, reaches Alpe Meggiana (1,553 meters above sea level). From here you can admire splendid views of the Monte Rosa range.
The economy of Piode
The economy of Piode is based on modest activities: the primary sector is characterized by cattle and goat farming for the production of local cheeses. The industry generated by the tourist sector is growing: over time, Piode has become one of the main boarding points on the Sesia river for kayaking and rafting enthusiasts. In addition, at Alpe Meggiana (1550 m above sea level) there is a small airfield for landing and taking off ultralights.
The society of Piode
In the last century, the town of Piode has undergone a demographic decline: if in 1921 it had 718 inhabitants, in 2011 the population had dropped to only 188. This reduction in the number of inhabitants is mainly due to emigration to larger and more developed centers.
The administration of Piode
Piode is an autonomous municipality in the province of Vercelli and is managed by a mayor and a municipal council.
The image gallery of Piode
Finally, I leave you with some photos of the beautiful landscape of Piode. Enjoy!