Sant'antonio di Mavignola

Welcome to Sant'Antonio di Mavignola!

Hello dear readers, today I want to talk to you about Sant'Antonio di Mavignola, a lovely tourist spot located 1,123 meters above sea level in the autonomous province of Trento. The population of this fraction of Pinzolo is only 360 inhabitants, but its breathtaking landscape and its strategic location near the famous locality of Madonna di Campiglio make it a popular destination both in summer and winter.


Sant'Antonio di Mavignola was born as a small center where to bring livestock during the summer season, but thanks to private investments in recent years, many new hotels and residences have emerged, especially for the winter season.

Saint Anthony of Mavignola - The pearl of the Dolomites

Monuments and places of interest

If you are in the area, the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate vecchia dating back to the fifteenth century, with its frescoes by Simone II Baschenis and Cristoforo I Baschenis, is certainly worth a visit. If you want to see a more modern church, you can visit the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate nuova, built between 1930 and 1933.


There are not many notes to report on Sant'Antonio di Mavignola, but its proximity to the Dolomites of Brenta and the Alps of Adamello and Presanella make it an ideal starting point for mountain excursions and winter sports such as skiing.

Other projects

If you have never been here before, I suggest you do an online search to discover all the projects related to Sant'Antonio di Mavignola and its surrounding area. You will be surprised to discover how many options for fun and relaxation are available in the area.

External links

If you want to learn more about Sant'Antonio di Mavignola and its surrounding area, you can visit the official websites of the locality or the Trentino-Alto Adige region. Personally, I recommend taking a look at the official website of Pinzolo, the fraction to which Sant'Antonio di Mavignola belongs. Here you will find all the necessary information to plan your stay, such as hotels, restaurants and activities available during your stay.


In summary, if you are looking for a destination for your next summer or winter holidays, Sant'Antonio di Mavignola could be the destination for you! Enjoy the beautiful landscape and the relaxing atmosphere of the area, and have fun with all the activities available in this wonderful mountain resort. See you soon!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Jul 14, 2022