
Pincara: the story of a Venetian town

Hi everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Pincara, a small Italian town in the province of Rovigo, located southwest of the regional capital. The town has about 1,121 inhabitants and is known for its history related to reclamation and nobility.

The history of Pincara

Its foundation dates back to the reclamation works carried out after the Po River flood of 1471, where the river waters flooded the surrounding areas, creating a swampy territory. For this reason, the Duke of Ferrara Ercole I d'Este granted his adviser Guglielmo Pincaro of Parma the task of controlling the area. The villa of the noble Pincaro thus became the center of the town, which took its name from his family. Today, Pincara is a charming town that hosts numerous monuments and places of interest.

Pincara: history, monuments and society of a Venetian town.

Monuments and places of interest in Pincara

The main monument in Pincara is the church of San Giovanni Battista, originally built in the seventeenth century and rebuilt in the nineteenth century. This church is an important testimony of the town's history and plays a significant role in the social and religious life of the community. But the real gem of Pincara is the Antiche Distillerie Mantovani business museum, which consists of a collection of distillation tools. The museum originated from the historical production of liqueur and distilled drinks started in the nineteenth century by the Mantovani family, who still manage the collection. The museum is open to enthusiasts and curious people who want to learn about the history of alcohol production in Pincara.

Pincara's society

The town has experienced positive demographic growth thanks to the economic revival of recent decades. If after World War II, the population counted little more than 500 inhabitants, in recent years there has been an increase, stabilizing at around 1,121 inhabitants. The city hosts a lively community, where everyone knows each other and often meets in the squares and local spots.

Pincara's administration

The Municipality of Pincara is currently governed by Mayor Paolo Rossi. The town does not currently have any twinning with other Italian or foreign cities, but the community is working to create new relationships with other towns and territories.


In conclusion, Pincara is a small Venetian town rich in history and traditions. The town offers numerous opportunities to discover its charm, among monuments and museums, social life and natural landscapes. If you are looking for a place of tranquility and relaxation, Pincara is certainly a destination to consider.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Monday, Feb 6, 2023