Pieve di Teco

Pieve di Teco: a village with a millenary history

Welcome to Pieve di Teco, an Italian municipality located in Liguria, in the Arroscia river valley. With its 1294 inhabitants, this village offers a wide range of activities and is famous for its millenary history. In this text, I will guide you through the physical geography, origin of the name, and history of this beautiful municipality.

Physical geography

The territory of Pieve di Teco extends over a short stretch of the Arroscia river valley, at the confluence with the Fanghi stream and on the first slopes of Mount Frascinello (). The city is dominated by three main mountains: the Colle di Teco in the northern area, the Baraccone () to the west, and the Colle di Sant'Antonio (also known as Frascinello) in the eastern area. Other important peaks in the area include Rocca delle Penne (), Mount Prearba (), Mount Ciazza del Bausso (), Mount Bellerasco (), Punta Alto (), Mount dell'Averna (), Poggio di Lovegno (), Mount San Bernardo (), and Mount Crocetta ().

Pieve di Teco: millennia-old history of the municipality in Liguria.

Origin of the name

Pieve di Teco takes its name from the Latin word "Plebs," which means a community or church that depends on other rural religious structures, and from "Theicos."


The village of Pieve di Teco was established in 1233 by the Marquis Antonio di Clavesana, the feudal lord of the place, together with the various valley communities of the Arroscia territory. The objective was to settle about 200-300 families in the new village with a new castle and a new church, the current Oratory of San Giovanni Battista. Shortly after, in 1370, the Benedictines built the first Madonna della Ripa Complex, while the Church of San Giovanni Battista was built around 1460.

From 1386, Pieve di Teco was under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Genoa, which, keeping the ancient medieval village, erected it as the headquarters of the captaincy. This was very important for the Genoese republic, as it was located on the border with Piedmont, in a strategic area for the domination of the Arroscia valley. After years of alternation in feudal domination, in 1562, the House of San Giorgio returned to the Republic all the territories that remained under its sovereignty, including Pieve di Teco.

The village, in particular the walls and the castle, underwent many invasions over the centuries, especially in the war between the Genoese and the Duchy of Savoy in 1625, but the inhabitants of Pieve di Teco at the time rebuilt the village. Today, Pieve di Teco is a beloved and very popular location for medieval history enthusiasts.


In summary, Pieve di Teco is an Italian municipality located in the beautiful Arroscia river valley. The area has a series of mountains where fantastic walks can be taken and delightful panoramas enjoyed. The city was founded in 1233 by the Marquis Antonio di Clavesana, together with the various valley communities of the Arroscia territory. Over the centuries, it underwent many invasions, but the inhabitants rebuilt the village. Today, Pieve di Teco represents a place of attraction for lovers of millenary history and natural landscapes.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Oct 14, 2022