Pieve Albignola

Welcome to Pieve Albignola: a peaceful commune in Lombardy

Pieve Albignola is a commune in northern Italy, located in the province of Pavia, in the Lombardy region. With a population of around 840 inhabitants, this countryside village offers visitors an authentic and peaceful experience in the low Lomellina.

Physical Geography: a flat territory

Pieve Albignola's territory extends between 69 and 87 meters above sea level, with an altimetric excursion of only 18 meters. The commune is almost on the edge of the terrace that overlooks the alluvial valley of the Po River, on the left bank of the river, downstream from the confluence of the Agogna.

Pieve Albignola: the charm of rural Lombardy.

History: a commune with a long tradition

Pieve Albignola has a long tradition dating back to the thirteenth century, when it was known as "Plebs Albignole" or "Pieve di Albignola". It has always been part of Lomellina and has followed the events of Sannazzaro de' Burgondi, belonging to the feud of the Malaspina of Sannazzaro. In 1868, the town joined the Cascinotto Mensa fraction, which was part of the "Corana della Mensa" feud, the lordship of the Mensa archbishopric of Milan.

Society: a stable population

In 1991, Pieve Albignola had a population of 957 inhabitants, which remained almost constant until the 2001 census, when it dropped to 919 inhabitants, showing a percentage variation of -3.97%. Currently, the inhabitants are distributed in 373 households, with an average of 2.46 components per household.

Economy: a present presence of small local businesses

The commune of Pieve Albignola hosts a few but important companies for the local economy. There are 6 industrial activities, 19 service activities, another 23 service activities, and 9 administrative activities, which in total employ 17.30% of the total number of inhabitants of the commune.

Curiosities: the ten most common surnames

Although Pieve Albignola is a relatively small village, there are some surnames that are more frequently found among residents. The ten most common surnames are: Fusetto, Marchesi, Poggi, Lionello, Migliorati, Parisotto, Turelli, Chiodin, Comaschi, De Paoli.


Pieve Albignola is a commune that, despite not being very large, offers a variety of historical and cultural attractions, as well as a small active economy. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful experience in the Lombard countryside, discovering some curiosities about the most common surnames in the area.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Jan 30, 2023