
Piario: a welcoming mountain town

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about a very welcoming mountain town, Piario. Located in the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy, this town has about 1030 inhabitants and is situated in the upper Seriana Valley.

Piario: between nature and history in the province of Bergamo.

Physical geography


Piario is a very small town, with an area of only 1.5451 square kilometers, and is one of the smallest in Italy. It is located on a small plateau on the left bank of the Serio River and its borders are delimited by the course of the river, which separates it from the cities of Villa d'Ogna and Parre. On the other side of the valley, the slopes of Mounts Cucco and Sapèl Né delimit the town from Clusone and its plateau.

Origin of the name

The name Piario would derive from the pre-Celtic language spoken by the Orobi and would mean "bottom of the valley". However, there are also other theories about the origin of the name, including the one that derives it from the Latin word "apiarium", which means "beehive place".


From prehistory to the Middle Ages

Although there is no concrete evidence, it is presumed that the first human settlements date back to the 6th century BC, when the Seriana Valley was inhabited by Ligurian populations dedicated to pastoralism. In the 5th century BC, Celtic populations also arrived, including the Cenomani. The area was then conquered by the Romans and subjected to centuriation. At that time, numerous iron mines in the surrounding mountains were exploited, which led to a considerable increase in the population.

From the Renaissance to the contemporary era

After the Middle Ages, Piario became part of the fiefdom of Clusone and subsequently came under the control of the Vertova counts. In 1797 it became part of the Cisalpine Republic and then of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. Later, it was part of the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom and then of the Kingdom of Italy. During the Second World War, the town suffered damage due to bombings.

Curiosities about Piario

If you are looking for a quiet place immersed in nature, Piario could be the ideal destination for you! With its breathtaking landscapes and fascinating history, this mountain town will win you over.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Sep 17, 2022