
Welcome to Piansano!

If you're looking for a place to relax, surrounded by nature, and at the same time discover the beauties of Italian history, then Piansano is the right place for you. We are an Italian municipality of 1911 inhabitants, located in the province of Viterbo, in Lazio.

Discovering the territory of Piansano

Piansano: nature, history and traditions of Lazio.

Our territory is characterized by the Arrone river, which crosses the area and approaches the inhabited center. Our climate, classified as zone E, is pleasant and mild.

The history of Piansano

Our municipality has an interesting and ancient history, dating back to the era of Castrum Planzani under the dominion of Tuscania. Subsequently, several lords contested the territory, but in the 17th century Piansano passed under the control of the Holy See. Over the years, the fiefdom was sold to various lords, and in 1909 it was purchased by multiple buyers before being expropriated by the National Combattenti Organization.

Monuments and places of interest

Our municipality is divided into neighborhoods such as the historic center, La Rocca, where a church from 1500 is located, and the main square, Lucia Burlini. Outside the inhabited center, there is Marinello, a small locality, and the neighborhood Il Fiocchino, which is the base of the variant.

Traditions of Piansano

In Piansano, the most important events of our calendar are the Madonna del Rosario, which takes place on the first Sunday of October, and San Bernardino, the patron saint's feast, which is celebrated on May 20.

The Economy of Piansano

In our territory, there are various commercial and industrial activities, along with the construction of the wind farm, started in 2011. According to Istat data, in 2015, Piansano has 138 active businesses, representing 0.59% of the provincial total.


We are happy to share with you the history, culture, and daily life of our municipality. We are waiting for you in Piansano to discover all the beauties of our territory. Come visit us!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022