
Welcome to Pianoro!

Hello to all friends of Pianoro! Today we will talk about this beautiful municipality in Emilia-Romagna, located in the Apennine area southeast of Bologna. With its 17,592 inhabitants, Pianoro offers spectacular landscapes and an ancient and fascinating history. Let's discover it together on our virtual journey.

Physical Geography: a Mountainous and Varied Area

Pianoro can be easily reached by taking the State Road 65 of Futa towards Florence and passing through the hamlet of Rastignano. The territory is characterized by two valleys, that of Zena (stream) and that of Savena, connected by a series of roads that penetrate into the Apennines for about 300 km. The landscape is varied: from the first part of the Savena valley you can admire the beauties of the Pliocene Counterfort, such as sandstone ridges and Calanco.

Plateau: landscapes and legends of the Apennines

Zena and the Mount of the Ants: a Sanctuary between Legend and Curiosity

At the top of Pianoro, at 638 m above sea level, stands the Mount of the Ants, crowned by the famous Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Zena. The church has medieval origins and several renovations over the centuries. However, its fame is also due to a curious natural phenomenon: around September 8th (feast of the Madonna), real swarms of winged ants reach the summit and die here. This event, which is common to many hymenopterans, is repeated every year, giving rise to a suggestive vision. In Pianoro, ants have given many legends, and the population attributes this phenomenon to a tribute from nature to the Virgin Mary. Despite the curiosity related to winged ants, the Mount of the Ants offers a spectacular view and an absolute place of meditation.

Nature and Protected Areas

In Pianoro you can discover many natural treasures, including the Park of the Bolognese Gessi and Calanchi dell'Abbadessa, which runs along the Zena, and the Reserve of the Pliocene Counterfort, which crosses the ridges of the Savena. Both the Park and the Reserve offer trekking trails and naturalistic paths, ideal for immersing yourself in the unique landscapes of the Apennines.

History: the legendary King Ocno and the ancient Etruscan civilization

The history of Pianoro dates back to remote times. According to popular legends, the legendary Etruscan king Ocno lived in the area, who also founded other cities, including Felsina, Parma and Mantua. This myth is also present in popular culture and literature, from Publius Virgilius Maro to other authors.


We conclude our virtual journey to Pianoro, a municipality with undisputed historical and landscape heritage. We have discovered many natural and historical treasures, from the beauties of the Pliocene Counterfort to the mystery of the winged ants of the Mount of the Ants. Are you ready for a real visit to Pianoro? You will only be conquered by this splendid reality of Emilia-Romagna!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022