Piana degli Albanesi


Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Piana degli Albanesi, a town of 5588 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Palermo in Sicily. It is a very important and well-known center for the Albanians of Sicily, where the largest Albanian community in Italy has resided for centuries.

History and culture

The city has maintained almost intact its ethnic peculiarities, such as the Albanian language, the Greek-Catholic Church, and the original customs. It has been an influential center for Italo-Albanians throughout the centuries, protecting and cultivating the historical memory of Albania.

Piana degli Albanesi has played a significant role in Albanian culture and literature with a large group of intellectuals, starting a decisive process of Albanian literary history. It is considered the birthplace of "arbëreshe" literature and initiator of the first European school in which Albanian was taught.

Piana degli Albanesi: History and Culture of a Sicilian Municipality

Role in Revolutions

Modern times have seen Piana degli Albanesi play a significant role in revolutionary movements and Risorgimento related to the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, the regional movements of the Sicilian Fasci, and the question of the history of Albania in the struggle for liberation from Ottoman Empire rule.

Independent People's Republic

Between 1944 and 1945, Piana degli Albanesi became an Independent People's Republic, lasting fifty days, which is a very important historical event.

Portella della Ginestra Massacre

Unfortunately, Piana degli Albanesi is also sadly known for the Portella della Ginestra massacre in 1947.

Cultural Heritage

The cultural heritage of Piana degli Albanesi is very rich, especially the Byzantine music and singing tradition that is part of the Intangible Heritage Register of Sicily, established by the Sicilian Region and recognized as a heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

Official Language

It is nice to know that the municipal administration also uses the arbëreshe language in its official documents, according to current legislation that protects the linguistic minorities of Italy.

Economic Activities

The most important economic activities are agriculture, livestock farming, handicrafts, and tourism.


In summary, Piana degli Albanesi is a place rich in history and culture and represents a sort of homeland for Albanians in Sicily. I hope to have given you a better understanding of this wonderful Sicilian town!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Thursday, Jun 30, 2022