
Hi friends, today we will talk about Gerbido, a charming hamlet in the province of Piacenza, located northeast of the city of Piacenza, about 4 km from the center.

The history of Gerbido

Over the years, Gerbido has undergone numerous historical changes. In 1806, with the establishment of the French Mairie, it became part of Roncaglia, before changing its name to Mortizza in 1821. With the dissolution of the municipality, Gerbido was included in the municipality of Piacenza, whose center is only a few kilometers away.

Discover Gerbido: the historic village near Piacenza.

Infrastructure and transportation

Gerbido is well connected thanks to the presence of the A1 and A21 motorways, with the respective exit located nearby. In addition, in the same area you can also find the municipal incinerator.

A curiosity about Gerbido

Once upon a time, there was an elementary school in this hamlet, but its operation ceased way back in 1987.


In summary, Gerbido is a small hamlet located a few kilometers from the center of Piacenza, which boasts an interesting history and a good strategic location thanks to the proximity of the main highways. If you have the opportunity to visit Piacenza, don't forget to stop by Gerbido!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Jan 9, 2022