
Welcome to Piacenza!

Hello everyone! Today we'll be talking about Piacenza, a small city in Emilia-Romagna with plenty to offer.

Physical geography

Piacenza: History, Art, Nature, and Emiliana Cuisine.


Piacenza is located in a very interesting geographic area, halfway between Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, and Emilia. This position has made the city an important communication hub and a strategic location in military terms. Additionally, the city is situated in the Po Valley, between the mouths of the Trebbia River to the west and the Nure stream to the east. If you want to see breathtaking landscapes, just a few kilometers to the south await the hills of Piacenza, the first foothills of the Ligurian Apennines.


The climate of Piacenza differs from other cities in the region because it is far from the sea. This makes the Piacenza climate more continental than the rest of the region, with lower winter temperatures and more precipitation. In winter, the climate is characterized by fog due to the temperature inversion, while in summer there is often the "Afa", generated by high relative humidity.


Piacenza is a very ancient city, founded by Ligurians. Throughout its history, the city has played an important role in the military and political fields. It was the first Italian city to join the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1848, voting with a plebiscite for its annexation to the nation. Today, Piacenza is an important cultural and tourist center.

What to see

Piacenza has a lot to offer its visitors. The city is famous for its architecture, with numerous historic buildings that are well worth a visit. Among these are the Cathedral of Piacenza, built in the twelfth century and considered one of the most important examples of Romanesque architecture in Italy. In Piacenza, there are also several interesting museums, including the Civic Museum of Palazzo Farnese and the National Archaeological Museum.

If you love art, you can't miss a visit to the Church of San Francesco. Here, in fact, you can admire a series of frescoes by the famous fourteenth-century painter Antonio da Pavia. If, on the other hand, you prefer to immerse yourself in nature, the Regional Fluvial Park of the Po is the ideal place for a walk or a bike ride along the riverbank.


But Piacenza is also famous for its cuisine! Among the most famous local specialties are salami, coppa, and piacentino pancotto. The wine from the area is also highly prized, especially Gutturnio and Colli Piacentini.


In summary, Piacenza is a wonderful city where you can discover the history and culture of Emilia-Romagna, taste delicious cuisine, and admire breathtaking landscapes. We can't wait to welcome you to Piacenza!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Jan 9, 2022