Pettorazza Grimani

Pettorazza Grimani: a unique history and territory

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Pettorazza Grimani, a municipality in the Veneto region located in the province of Rovigo. With its 1,464 inhabitants, Pettorazza Grimani is a rather small place, but it has a unique history and territory that is worth knowing.


The history of Pettorazza Grimani is linked to the events of the Adige River, which has shaped the landscape and boundaries of the area for millennia. The municipality is divided into two parishes, one of which was originally located within a large bend of the river. This division testifies to the historical events of the territory, which for centuries has been characterized by the conflict between water and land.

For many centuries, the local population lived in a situation of extreme precariousness, due to the frequent flooding of the river. It was only in the eighteenth century that it was possible to intervene to straighten the bends of the river and protect the territory from floods. The reverent attitude towards the river is still reflected today in the numerous votive offerings preserved at the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace, which testify to painful experiences of the past.

Pettorazza Grimani: the history and nature of Veneto.


The territory of Pettorazza Grimani is unique and fascinating. The presence of the Adige River has given rise to very different landscapes, characterized by a great variety of flora and fauna. The main rivers that cross the municipality are the Scolo Tron, the Ceresolo, the Bresega, and the Fossa Stella. In addition, there is a natural lake, Lake Lezze, and an artificial lake, the Cava Vanetto.

The territory of Pettorazza Grimani has been shaped by the age-old struggle between man and the river. Today, thanks to significant hydraulic interventions, the territory is very different from the past, but signs of the paleomeander of the Adige can still be seen, which created a complex surface paleohydrography.


In conclusion, Pettorazza Grimani is a very interesting municipality from a historical and naturalistic point of view. Its history and territory are unique in their kind and deserve to be explored with attention. If you want to discover more about Pettorazza Grimani, do not hesitate to visit the municipality and be amazed by the beauty of its landscapes and history. Thank you for reading me and see you next time!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Apr 28, 2022