
Fiumara d'arte: an open-air museum in Sicily

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Fiumara d'arte, an open-air museum situated along the banks of the Tusa river in Sicily. This museum consists of a series of sculptures, land art installations, and interior decorations created by international contemporary artists since 1982. Fiumara d'arte is located in the municipalities of Castel di Lucio, Mistretta, Motta d'Affermo, Pettineo, Reitano, and Tusa, in the metropolitan city of Messina, and is considered one of the largest and most important sculpture parks in Europe.


It all began in 1982, when real estate entrepreneur Antonio Presti commissioned sculptor Pietro Consagra to create a work in memory of his recently deceased father. The sculpture "La materia poteva non esserci" is 18 meters high and made of reinforced concrete. It was completed in 1986 and placed at the mouth of the Tusa torrent. Thus, Fiumara d'arte was born, from Presti's idea of adding other works to create a sculpture park. In 1986, he founded the Fiumara d'arte cultural association for this purpose and received the approval of local administrations. In 1988, Paolo Schiavocampo's "A curve thrown behind time" was inaugurated, and in 1989, Tano Festa's "Monument for a dead poet." In 1990, four other works were placed: Japanese artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa's "Golden Boat Room", Antonio Di Palma's "Mediterranean Energy", Italo Lanfredini's "Arianna's Labyrinth" and Piero Dorazio and Graziano Marini's "Arethusa".

In 1991, Presti built the Atelier hotel on the sea in Castel di Tusa, where each room is decorated by one or more contemporary artists. Also in 1991, in Pettineo, the first edition of "One kilometer of canvas" took place, during which dozens of artists made paintings that were then cut and given to the citizens of Pettineo, creating the "Domestic Museum". The event was repeated for six years with the participation of numerous artists. In 1993, forty ceramic artists from all over Europe created a collective work on the containment wall of one of the roads of Fiumara in the territory of Mistretta, thus becoming "The Wall of Life".

Art River: the outdoor museum in Sicily.


Fiumara d'arte consists of twelve sites spread over an area of over twenty kilometers in length. Each work is located along the banks of the Tusa river and blends perfectly with the surrounding natural environment. The works are made with various materials, such as cement, ceramics, iron, and stone, and represent a wide variety of artistic styles and movements. The artists who contributed to the creation of the works are both Italian and foreign and include names such as Pietro Consagra, Tano Festa, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, and Piero Dorazio.

Visiting Fiumara d'arte

Fiumara d'arte is an ideal destination for art and nature lovers. It can be visited on foot along the paths that cross the banks of the Tusa river. Each work has a plaque that provides information about the works and their authors. Furthermore, there are guided tours organized by the Antonio Presti - Fiumara d'arte Foundation, which provide a complete overview of the museum and its works. During the summer, there are also cultural events and performances that take place along Fiumara d'arte.


Fiumara d'arte is a gem of contemporary art in Sicily. This open-air museum offers a unique and immersive experience, where visitors can admire works of art perfectly integrated into the nature that surrounds them. Fiumara d'arte is a must-see for art and nature lovers. If you find yourself in Sicily, be sure to visit this wonderful open-air museum.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Mar 3, 2022