
Petritoli: a small town in the hills of Marche

If you're looking for a place to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the Marche hills, I recommend a visit to Petritoli. This small town in the province of Fermo, with its 2214 inhabitants, is nestled among the gentle hills of the Val d'Aso, surrounded by olive groves, vineyards, and cultivated fields.

Physical geography

Petritoli is located about 10 km from the sea, in a strategic position that allows it to enjoy both the beauty of the hilly landscape and the proximity to the sea. The territory of the municipality extends over an area of ​​about 32 square kilometers, which also includes the hamlets of Moregnano and Valmir.

Petritoli, among the hills of Marche: a treasure to be discovered.

Origin of the name

The name Petritoli has ancient origins, but it is not yet clear what its exact etymology is. According to some sources, the name would derive from the merger of the names of three castles that once stood on the territory: Petrosa, Petrania, and Petrollavia. However, there are also other theories about the origin of the name, which remains a mystery.


Petritoli has an ancient history, rooted in the 10th century, when it was founded by the Farfa Abbey under the name of Castel Rodolfo. Over the centuries, the town has undergone various dominations and has seen the destruction and reconstruction of many of its structures. In 1250, it was conquered by Frederick II of Swabia, who ceded it to the city of Fermo. During the Napoleonic period, Petritoli was an important center of struggle for independence, and later actively participated in the movements of the Risorgimento.


The coat of arms of the Municipality of Petritoli was granted in 2007 and represents a rampant lion on a silver background. The banner is blue and bears the municipal coat of arms.

Monuments and places of interest

Petritoli is a true jewel of art and architecture, with many monuments and historic buildings worth visiting. One of the most suggestive places in the town is the historic center, accessible through three ogival arches and delimited by 15th-century towers. Here you can admire numerous historic buildings, including the former convent of the Clarisses (now the Town Hall) and the Civic Tower, an impressive 19th-century construction.

Other buildings worth visiting are the Vitali Palace, in Gothic-Venetian style, and the Theater of the Iris, built in 1877 to a design by the architect Giuseppe Sabbatini. Outside the historic center, you will find the former convent of the Observant Minors, now used as a polyclinic, and the attached church, which houses an organ by Gaetano Callido.


Demographic evolution

In recent years, Petritoli has seen a growth in its population thanks to the presence of foreign tourists, especially French, German, and Dutch, who have chosen the municipality as the venue for their weddings.


The main source of income for the municipality is linked to agriculture, thanks to the presence of many companies that produce high-quality oil, wine, fruit, and vegetables. In recent years, however, the local economy has been relaunched mainly thanks to tourism, which has brought an increase in jobs and investments in the tourism sector.



Petritoli is twinned with the municipality of Maser, in the province of Treviso.

Other administrative information

The municipality of Petritoli is part of the vast area no. 4 of Fermo and of the Regional Health Service of the Marche region.



The local soccer team is A.S.D. Petritoli 1960, which plays in the Marche G group of 2nd Category. If you're a soccer enthusiast, I recommend attending a match at the municipal stadium.

In conclusion, Petritoli offers many opportunities for those seeking peace, tranquility, and beauty. With its history, artistic and cultural heritage, and the beauty of the hills, Petritoli is definitely a place to visit at least once in your lifetime.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, May 21, 2022