Petrella Tifernina

Discovering Petrella Tifernina

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about Petrella Tifernina, a beautiful town of 1,038 inhabitants located in the province of Campobasso, in Molise.

The history of Petrella Tifernina

Petrella Tifernina: history, art, and nature in Molise

Samnite Origins

It is said that Petrella Tifernina was founded in the 4th century BC by the Samnites, the people who lived in those territories. There are indeed many archaeological finds that confirm this theory. The territory was controlled by the Frentani in the area of Termoli and by the Pentri of "Bovianom" (Bojano). Petrella Tifernina was located in the Contado di Fagifulae, the modern-day Montagano. The original village was located in the locality of Piano della Vicenna, which is different from the location of the medieval village, built during the period of castling. The Romans called this village "Tifernum", because of its proximity to the Biferno River.

From the Middle Ages to the 18th century

After the fall of Rome, the town suffered various destructions by the Vandals and the Saracens. Only in the 6th century was it conquered by Zotone, the first Duke and Prince of Benevento, as the Molisan territory was included in the "Langobardia Minor". The Longobards built the Rocca Petrella castle, which became the first nucleus of the current town. With the arrival of the Longobards, around the 10th century, the cult of San Giorgio was introduced to Petrella, dedicated to the first church, which still exists today after various renovations.

The oldest document mentioning Petrella Tifernina is the "Pergamena montaganese" of 1039. In the meantime, the territory was reorganized in the Contado di Molise, which was part of the Longobard castaldato district of Bojano. During the Hohenstaufen period (13th century), the Contado di Molise was united with the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo, with its capital in Sulmona, and later divided into Terra di Lavoro.

From the passage of the Swabian dominion to the Angevin one, there is not much news about Petrella Tifernina, except that in 1270 it was ceded by Charles I of Anjou to Pandolfo of Pietro De Grossis, while the area of the Rocca went to Tommaso di Agnone. However, nine years later, the feud passed to other lords, and was one of the most prosperous in Molise for the surrounding countryside. In the 15th century, the Stella family became feudal lords, until, in 1443, Petrella passed to the De Sangro family by concession of Alfonso V of Aragon. Subsequently, Petrella was sold to Camillo Mormile for 13,000 ducats.

In 1456, Petrella Tifernina was hit by a severe earthquake that destroyed much of Molise, causing damage also in the town. In 1562, it passed to Raimondo Carafa, new owner, until the sale of the town to the Pignatelli family in 1570. For a whole century, Petrella Tifernina did not have fixed owners, but was continuously ceded to families from the area of Termoli and Larino.

From the 18th century to 1861

As I said, Petrella Tifernina had various lords in its history. The first opportunity to free itself from feudalism came only in 1799, during the Neapolitan Republic, when the feudal lords were the Pulce da Montepulciano. After the dismemberment of Molise, Petrella was included in the canton of Campobasso. With the abolition of feudalism, in 1806, the first associations of the land with the leaders of the upper bourgeoisie were born in Petrella Tifernina.

The artistic and cultural heritage of Petrella Tifernina

The historic center

Petrella Tifernina has a beautiful historic center, with narrow alleys and stone houses. The Church of San Giorgio, located in the main square, is an architectural and artistic gem worth visiting. Other churches of interest are the Church of Madonna del Carmine, the Church of Sant'Antonio, the Church of Madonna del Rosario and the Church of San Rocco.

The Rocca Petrella Castle

The Rocca Petrella castle is the place where the current medieval village was born. Over time, it has been reworked and modified many times, until it became a private home.

The Municipal Theatre

The Municipal Theater of Petrella Tifernina is a building of great cultural importance. The hall was built at the end of the 19th century and has recently been restored. Every year, theatrical, musical, and dance performances are organized.

What to do in Petrella Tifernina

Excursions in the Matese National Park

Petrella Tifernina is very close to the Matese National Park, a very suggestive protected area that is worth visiting. The park offers numerous naturalistic paths that allow you to admire the flora and fauna of the area.

Tasting of local products

Petrella Tifernina is famous for the production of typical Molisan products, such as cheeses and cured meats. It's worth trying the local specialties at the local restaurants.

Visit to nearby towns

Petrella Tifernina is located in a very suggestive area, surrounded by many beautiful towns such as Campobasso and Termoli. It's worth taking trips to discover these enchanting places.


What do you think? Have I convinced you to visit Petrella Tifernina? I really hope so, because this town has a lot to offer. Its history, artistic and cultural heritage, activities to do in the area: all are reasons to visit it. I assure you, Petrella Tifernina will strike your heart!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022