Pessano con Bornago

Welcome to Pessano con Bornago!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Pessano con Bornago, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan, in Lombardy. We are a community of 9001 inhabitants, located in the high Lombard plain, in the Martesana. Today I will talk to you about the origins of our name and our physical geography.

Origins of the name

Our name, "Pessano con Bornago", has Gallo-Roman roots. It seems that the name "Pessano" comes from a landowner named Pettius or Pettianus, while "Bornago" could be an older toponym, derived from an Insubrian village called "Bornos". We know that the stream that flows through our town is called Molgora, from the Celtic "murg", which means "border river". Even some of our farmhouses, such as Cascina Canepa and Cascina Castiona, take their names from their history and the activities that took place there.

Pessano con Bornago: Gallo-Roman Roots and Lombard Nature.

Physical geography

We are located on the imaginary west-east line below which rivers end their torrential nature and calm their course, widening. Our altitude ranges from 142 to 156 meters, and the terrain is alluvial and clayey, formed following the deposit of debris by the Adda River and the erosion of the Prealps by the Quaternary glaciers. In the past, our territory was covered by Alpine glaciers, which have left their mark on our geography.

The territory of Martesana

Pessano con Bornago is part of the territory of Martesana, an area in central-eastern Lombardy that extends for about 30 kilometers and includes 15 municipalities. Martesana is crossed by Naviglio della Martesana, a canal of medieval origin that was used for the transport of goods and people to Milan.

Our community

Our community is small but welcoming. We are proud of our history and our Gallo-Roman roots. We like to take care of our territory and our traditions. Every year we organize various cultural and sporting events, such as the Palio dei Borghi, a foot race between the four historic districts of our town, or the Hemp Festival, dedicated to the history and processing of one of our oldest activities.

What to do in Pessano con Bornago

If you come to visit us, I recommend taking a walk in the historic center of the town, where you can admire the Church of San Giovanni Battista and Villa Annoni, an elegant 18th-century villa surrounded by a large park. You can also take a walk along the banks of Molgora or Naviglio della Martesana, or discover the surrounding nature in the Torbiere del Sebino, a protected area where you can observe different species of birds.


Here we are at the end of our journey through the history and geography of Pessano con Bornago. I hope you enjoyed our community and that you will come to visit us soon. We are waiting for you with open arms!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Jul 25, 2022