
Girgenti: a charming place in the mountains of Lazio

Located on top of a hill, just over 800 meters above sea level, Girgenti is a hamlet of the municipality of Pescorocchiano, in the province of Rieti, in Lazio. This ancient village stands on the southern slope of Lake Salto, in the Salto del Cicolano valley, and is surrounded by lush forest vegetation that makes it seem like something out of a fairytale.

Physical geography: the territory of Girgenti

The territory of Girgenti is mainly mountainous and features forest vegetation consisting of Acer, Tilia, Ostrya carpinifolia, but in particular from Castanea, Fagus and Quercus. The elevated position of the village makes it a charming and fascinating place, from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the surrounding nature. It is often said that Girgenti is an open window on the mountains of Lazio.

Girgenti: a mountain enchantment in Lazio

Girgenti: between history and legends

Girgenti is a place full of charm and history, so much so that to this day no one has been able to trace its true origins. Several hypotheses have been put forward, from the Saracen invasions of the Middle Ages, to the presence of inhabitants of Girgenti (ancient name of Agrigento, in Sicily), to the foundation of the center in the 12th century by a group of vassals fleeing from the Sicilian city. However, even the curators of the text "Girgentani a Girgenti” have their personal hypothesis, according to which the country would not have been born before the 10th century.

History of Girgenti: a journey into antiquity

The foundation of Girgenti could date back to the Roman period, as revealed by the topography of the country, attributable to a castrum included in the Res publica Aequiculanorum. Also, the representation of an axe pointing downwards on the architrave of the church of San Sisto, dating back to the Saracen period, suggests a presence prior to the arrival of the Saracens themselves. But the most suggestive thesis is that which sees Girgenti founded by a group of vassals fleeing from the Sicilian city of Agrigento, due to the repressions of King William I of Sicily, known as "the bad". This theory is confirmed by the same horseshoe-shaped conformation of the village, common to that characterizing the homonymous Sicilian city.

The reason that would have prompted the inhabitants of "Cerritu", half a mile towards Marcetelli, to build a fortress on the hill that now houses Girgenti and to put themselves under the protection of the Senebaldus lords, of Frankish origin, would have been the advent of the Saracens, between 891 and 916, with the consequent destruction of the church of Sant'Angelo in Fiumata. Subsequently, in 1143, also thanks to the support of the families of the province of Pescara and the Senebaldus lords themselves, the reconquest of the areas of Abruzzo belonging to the province in question is carried out.

Girgenti today: a corner of paradise

Today Girgenti is a unique and suggestive place, a corner of paradise that attracts visitors from all over Italy and abroad. Its ancient stone houses, winding alleys, and breathtaking views will make your stay unforgettable. Girgenti is a place of peace and tranquility, where time seems to flow more slowly, a place where nature is the undisputed owner.

What to see in Girgenti

There are many places to visit in Girgenti, such as the Castle of Girgenti, the churches of San Sisto and Santa Maria delle Grazie, and the fountain of the Lion. But the real treasure of Girgenti is its breathtaking landscapes, such as the view of the Salto valley from the belvedere of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, the chestnut forest with the waterfall, and Lake Salto, one of the largest artificial bodies of water in Italy.

What to do in Girgenti

Girgenti is the ideal place for those seeking tranquility and fresh mountain air and offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities such as trekking, mountain biking, fishing, and horseback riding. But Girgenti is also the ideal place for relaxation and meditation, thanks to its peaceful atmosphere and its contact with unspoiled nature.


Girgenti is an enchanted place, where time seems to have stood still and nature reigns supreme. Its ancient origins and the many legends that surround it make it even more suggestive and mysterious. But Girgenti is also a place where you can find a bit of peace and tranquility, far from the stress and frenetic pace of the city. Girgenti is a place that leaves its mark on the hearts of those who visit it, a place that you want to see again and again.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022