
A trip to Castelvecchio, a medieval jewel in Tuscany

Hello friends! Today I'll take you to discover Castelvecchio, a beautiful hamlet in the Italian municipality of Pescia, located in the magnificent Svizzera Pesciatina, in the province of Pistoia, Tuscany.

The medieval structure of Castelvecchio

Castelvecchio, with its medieval style structure, has remained intact over the years. From the center of the village, you can admire the church of Saints Ansano and Tommaso, one of the most important religious monuments in the entire Svizzera Pesciatina. This holy place has also been a National Monument since 1875, and is an exciting example of Lombard religious architecture from the twelfth century. Its entrance is majestic, although it has been slightly modified over the years. In the presbytery, the crypt opens up, covered with cross vaults. Behind the building, there is a beautiful bell tower that derives from the Roman-era Watchtower and was subsequently adapted into a bell tower.

A short distance away is the parish church of San Giovanni Battista, which, with its three-aisled structure, replaces the old church for the celebration of functions. The polychrome stucco altar, decorated with gold leaf, is located in the central nave, and inside there is a large painting depicting the Saints Giovanni and Tommaso next to the Madonna and Child on the throne. In addition, the baptismal font carved in serena stone is located on the side of the north aisle.

Castelvecchio: medieval gem of Tuscany.

The Oratory of the Most Holy Rosary

Located near the parish church, the Oratory of the Most Holy Rosary is entirely decorated with the Stories of the Virgin and of Christ. Each scene is portrayed in a single panel surrounded by a quadrature of geometric columns. On the basement of each panel, there is a panel in imitation marble.

The Castelvecchio meteorite

And if you think that Castelvecchio was just a romantic place to stroll and admire history, know that this place has a true relic characterizing it: in 2015, a meteorite was discovered and named Castelvecchio.


Castelvecchio is a pearl of Tuscany, characterized by its medieval structure and its religious monuments, which testify to the history and culture of the area. The proximity to nature and art make this place a fascinating destination to visit at least once in a lifetime!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Monday, Dec 19, 2022