
Monthly Extreme Temperatures from 1930 to 1998

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the extreme temperatures recorded by the Pescia weather station from 1930 to 1998. The historical series is incomplete for some months between 1944 and 1945, but we still have a good amount of data. The absolute minimum temperature recorded was -13.0 °C on January 11, 1985, while the absolute maximum temperature was +41.0 °C on August 3, 1947. In short, some really extreme temperatures have been recorded in our city!


Now let's talk about the history of Pescia. The city developed from two different functional nuclei: one dedicated to public life and commerce, and the other dedicated to religious and monastic activities. The first is concentrated in the large Piazza Mazzini, in the Palagio and in the towers, while the second is found in the Pescia Cathedral and in the Porta Fiorentina. These two centers are connected by the characteristic Ponte del Duomo. It is presumed that Pescia was founded by the Lombards, who settled here. The name of the river and then the city comes from an adaptation of the Lombard word "pehhia".

During the Middle Ages, Pescia was involved in the conflicts between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines and was destroyed in 1281. After the reconstruction, the city found itself on the border between the republics of Florence and Lucca and was contested by both. The city's economy was based on the breeding of the Morus and Bombyx mori, which is said to have been secretly imported from the East to Europe for the first time by the Pescia native Francesco Buonvicini.

In 1519, the Pescia Cathedral was elevated to the rank of prepositure and the prepositus became "nullius". In 1699, the city was elevated to the rank of city by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III de' Medici, while in 1727, the Pescia diocese became the seat of a bishop, directly dependent on the Holy See. Even Napoleon Bonaparte passed through the Valdinievole and stayed in Pescia!

Extreme Temperatures in Pescia: History and Climate Data

Additional Information

But now let's move on to some technical aspects. Pescia is located in zone 3 (low seismicity), as established by the PCM Order 3274 of 20/03/2003, and in zone D as far as the climatic classification is concerned (1877 degree days). Atmospheric diffusivity is low, as evidenced by the Ibimet CNR research of 2002.

In short, we have seen that our city has an interesting history and that extreme temperatures are a common occurrence here in Pescia. But despite everything, we like to think of it as a beautiful city with a welcoming and friendly community. We look forward to your visit!

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Monday, Dec 19, 2022