
Discovering Pescate

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the municipality of Pescate, a small town of 2223 inhabitants in the province of Lecco, Lombardy. Pescate is located on the right bank of Lake Garlate, at the foot of Mount Barro, and is crossed by the former state road 36 of Lake Como and Spluga.

Physical geography

Pescate's unique location is favorable and has benefited throughout its history from both the beneficial contribution of mountain springs and the lake. Today, most of its territory is divided between the Adda Nord Park and the Monte Barro Park, two important natural reserves of Lombardy.

Fishing: nature, history and Lombard landscape

The origins of the name

The toponym Pescate would refer to fishing, an economic activity that employed the majority of inhabitants for many centuries. The name of the Torrette hamlets is instead linked to the presence of a furnace.


The history of Pescate is very ancient, with numerous artifacts testifying to the roots of a settled community since the Stone Age, and Roman artifacts demonstrating continuous interest in the area. From Pescate, during Roman civilization, passed the "via Spluga," a Roman road that connected Milan to Lindau through the Spluga Pass.

During the medieval and contemporary period, Pescate maintained significant strategic importance, given its location, and tradition tells that the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa stayed in one of the houses of the Pescalina hamlet in 1158, during one of his numerous descents to Italy.

The symbols

The coat of arms of the municipality of Pescate, in addition to representing the mountain and the lake, recalls in the mitre the period when Pescate was under the monastery of Sant'Ambrogio di Milano (from 835) and, in the trophy of arms, the numerous battles that occurred on the municipal territory. The gonfalon is a white and blue divided flag.

Monuments and places of interest

There are several religious architectures in Pescate, including the Church of the Divine Savior and Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, built between 1922 and 1928, the Church of Saint Agatha, already attested in the 13th century, and the Oratory of Saint Joseph, already attested in the seventeenth century. There is also a chapel dedicated to the victims of the lake, already existing in 1909.

Among the civil architectures, we find the villa Longhi and villa Cariboni complex.


The municipality of Pescate has had an interesting demographic evolution: in 1751 it had 167 inhabitants, while in 1961 it had 1077. As of January 1, 2018, foreigners resident in Pescate with a regular permit were 165, about 7.4% of the population.

If you want to discover this beautiful little town, its nature and its history, Pescate is the right place for you!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022