Pescarolo ed Uniti

Welcome to Pescarolo ed Uniti!

Hello everyone and welcome to Pescarolo ed Uniti! Our municipality is located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy, and has a population of about 1500 inhabitants. But don't be fooled by its size! Pescarolo ed Uniti has a rather lively economy, thanks to the presence of agricultural and industrial activities that coexist harmoniously.

Physical geography

The territory of Pescarolo ed Uniti, which covers an area of 16.54 square kilometers, is mainly agricultural and extends almost uniformly over a regular geometric area. The municipality is the result of the aggregation of the municipalities of Pescarolo, Pieve Terzagni and Castelnuovo del Vescovo in 1867. The municipality is located 45 meters above sea level, about twenty kilometers east of Cremona, near the river Oglio which marks the boundary between the Cremonese countryside and that of Brescia.

Pescarolo ed Uniti: history, beauties and activities.


The typical Po Valley climate characterizes the province of Cremona. You can experience cold winters, hot summers, high humidity, frequent fog and low-intensity rain during the year. In spring, you can see significant rainfall episodes, which tend to become more thunderous as the season progresses. Summer precipitation is higher than winter precipitation but is distributed more irregularly.


Pescarolo ed Uniti has a long history dating back to ancient times. Numerous archaeological finds testify to how the site was already inhabited in Roman times. Ruins of a rural villa were found in Senigola and a treasure of 450 coins in Castelnuovo. The Lombard presence in the area is evident from the discovery of numerous Lombard-inspired artifacts. The municipality, originally owned by the counts of Sospiro, was then donated to the monastery of San Giovanni di Pipia in 1093, and later granted to the Pescarolo community in 1249.

On the right bank of the Oglio, numerous castles, fortresses and fortifications had been erected to control the navigable river, which represented a route of great commerce and the border between the duchy of Milan, the Republic of Venice and the duchy of Mantua.


The economy of Pescarolo ed Uniti is based on the positive coexistence of industrial and agricultural activities. The textile sector is the one that gives the greatest impetus to the local economy, along with the production of components for the automobile industry. Agricultural activities are mainly based on the cultivation of cereals, vegetable and fruit plants. The proximity to the Oglio river has led to the production of hydroelectric power.

Tourist attractions

If you find yourself in Pescarolo ed Uniti, don't miss the tourist attractions of the municipality. Visit the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the most important in the area, but also the church of San Paolo Apostolo and the church of San Giovanni Battista. You can walk along the river Oglio or visit the La Ciocca farm, one of the oldest in the area. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the agricultural companies, learn about the cultivation techniques of local products and taste them directly in the fields.


We have come to the end of our presentation and we hope we have made you want to visit Pescarolo ed Uniti. Our municipality offers many natural and historical beauties, as well as a vibrant economy in which industrial and agricultural activities blend harmoniously. We are sure you will feel at ease in our streets and our activities. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023